On 29/10/13 12:07, Sven vd wrote:
> I have the same problem. The goal is to append "umask 027" without the
> "=" to the end of the /etc/sysconfig/init file according to NIST rules.
> However the augeas lens is not made to handle this, only shell vars
> syntax is allowed.
> If you want to workaround this via a erb template and you have other
> augeas resources defined, they will fail as augeas will fail to parse
> the new /etc/sysconfig/init set by the template.
> How to best resolve this?

Please file a bug against Augeas' shellvars lens in order to support
parsing it: https://fedorahosted.org/augeas/newticket

In the meantime, perhaps use file_line or similar tools.

Dominic Cleal
Red Hat Engineering

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