Solved it with create_resources.

On Wednesday, October 30, 2013 4:58:44 PM UTC-6, Nathan Nobbe wrote:
> Hi,
> A bit of background, I'm trying to move from node inheritance to hiera. 
> With node inheritance I could declare defined types at several levels, for 
> example, say for all of preproduction I'd like a yum repository
> *manifests/pre-prod.pp*
> class preprod {
>   yumrepo { 'preprod-repo': ... }
> }
> Then add other repos in various sub classes where other specialized 
> yumrepo(s) are declared
> *manifests/qa.pp*
> class qa inherits preprod {
>   yumrepo { 'qa': ... }
> }
> *manifests/dev.pp*
> class dev inherits preprod {
>   yumrepo {'dev': ... }
> }
> I'm having a hard time getting this to map to hiera cleanly. I'd like to 
> have the data in the hierarchy something like this
> *preprod.yaml*
> yumrepo::name: preprod-repo
> ...
> *qa.yaml*
> yumrepo::name: qa-repo
> ...
> My initial thought was to use hiera_include('classes'), but that doesn't 
> work for defined types. What folks on have 
> suggested<>is
>  to define a wrapper class for *each* declaration of a defined type. 
> Something like
> class preprod_repo {
>   yumrepo { 'preprod-repo': ... }
> }
> class qa_repo {
>   yumrepo { 'qa-repo': ... }
> }
> Then in the yaml
> *preprod.yaml*
> classes:
>  - preprod_repo
> ...
> *qa.yaml*
> classes:
>  - qa_repo
> ...
> I really don't want to define a class for every single type instantiation. 
> What I'd prefer would be a single class that could capture a merged hash 
> from all the yaml files and write out all the type declarations, but I'm 
> having trouble with the implementation. From the yaml side, I've got what I 
> want, something like this
> *preprod.yaml*
> classes:
>  - yumrepo_hiera
> yumrepo_hiera: {
>   'preprod_repo' : {
>      # attributes for preprod yum repo
>   }
> }
> *qa.yaml*
> classes:
>  - yumrepo_hiera
> yumrepo_hiera: {
>   'qa_repo' : {
>      # attributes for qa yum repo
>   }
> }
> Now I'm passing an aggregate data object with all the data needed to the 
> yumrepo_hieara class. Problem is how to write out all those type 
> declarations. Since there's no looping in RDL. I know it's deprecated, but 
> the Ruby DSL seems to be my best bet, yet I can't get the hash from hiera 
> passed in.., I'm getting this error when I run the agent
> undefined method `merge' for :yumrepo_hiera:Symbol
> Here's what I've got so far, bear in mind I know nothing of Ruby, but 
> hopefully you can get the idea
> hostclass :yumrepo_hiera, :yumrepo_hiera do
>    @yumrepo_hiera.each do |name, repo|
>         yumrepo( :name,
>                  repo[:descr],
>                  # other parameters to yumrepo type...
>          )       
>    end
> end
> Can someone help me get off the ground with this Ruby DSL, or show me a 
> better way in general, one where I don't have to write a class per each 
> node declaration?
> thanks,
> -nathan

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