Hi All,

I'm looking at integrating our Puppet 2.7.21 setup with an internal change 
management system.  Essentially I need the master to check there is an open 
change window for a given node, and fail the run if not.

I don't want to have to have a custom configuration on all the nodes (and 
this probably wouldn't be secure anyway), so plugging this check in during 
the ENC stage seemed to make sense to me.

I'd like to be able to fail the run with a message back to the agent e.g. 
'no valid change window open'.  The problem is, as far as I can see, it is 
not possible to propagate any custom errors back to the master.  It looks 
like the only error is e.g. 'could not find node xxx' or similar.  Even 
replacing the terminus with a custom one doesn't appear to help as this 
cover-all error looks to be generated in the catalogue compiler.

Does this sound right? Anyone got an ideas if it would be possible to fail 
runs with a custom error from within the puppet master?  Failing from 
within the manifests themselves wouldn't be an option as they are under the 
control of the users, and so the check could be circumvented.


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