In the case of the module you're using ( it appears) and you seem to have already understood this, the client resource has a hard dependency on files that should only exist on the server (due to client cert generation process).

All is really not lost, though. Because the openvpn::client script generates two files for the openvpn configuration, you can easily enough do:

        case $::role {

                'access': {

                        notify {"Applying access packages" :}

                        include access_packages

                        freebsd::rc_conf { 'test' :

                                value  => 'yes',

                                ensure => 'present'


                        openvpn::server {'winterthur' :

                        country      => 'CH',

                        province     => 'ZH',

                        city         => 'Winterthur',

                        organization => '',

                        email        => '',

                        server       => ''}

                        openvpn::client { 'client1':
                                server => "winterthur"
                        } -> @@file { 
'/etc/openvpn/winterthur/download-configs/client1.ovpn' }

                        openvpn::client_specific_config { 'client1':
                                server => "winterthur"
                        } -> @@file { 
'/etc/openvpn/winterthur/client-configs/client1' }


                'client': {

                        notify {"Applying client config" :}

                        File <<| name == 
'/etc/openvpn/winterthur/download-configs/client1.ovpn' |>>

                        File <<| name == 
'/etc/openvpn/winterthur/client-configs/client1' |>>


This will instantiate the files on your client (assuming the server has applied its manifest successfully) and it can then be the target of an actual openvpn client configuration. Note that you'll have to do the latter yourself, as the module you're using doesn't seem to actually handle OpenVPN client package installation.

The more traditionally puppet way to handle this would be to have the CA or delegate CA on the puppet server itself, and have it write out such keys to some place like /etc/puppet/keydist/$fqdn for hosts to pull down using normal puppet:/// fileserver syntax.

I've not tested my above code, and haven't reviewed the module from luxflux enough to guarantee that it will work for you. It'd definitely require some investigation, as you're extending the module a bit beyond its original intent.


On 12/09/2013 05:32 PM, Derek Cole wrote:

I am not exactly sure how to phrase this, but consider the following:

        case $::role {
                'access': {
                        notify {"Applying access packages" :}
                        include access_packages

                        freebsd::rc_conf { 'test' :
                                value  => 'yes',
                                ensure => 'present'
                         openvpn::server {'winterthur' :
                        country      => 'CH',
                        province     => 'ZH',
                        city         => 'Winterthur',
                        organization => '',
                        email        => '',
                        server       => ''}

                'client': {
                        notify {"Applying client config" :}
                        openvpn::client { 'client1':
                                server => "winterthur"


What I am trying to do in 'client' case is reference the server that was defined in the 'access' case. Is this possible? The openvpn module here;

contains some examples and such that lead me to believe there should be a reference, but it seems like that only is applicable if they have the same scope. How would I go about storing off the 'winterthur' openvpn::server for use by the clients later? Puppet's class variable access and scoping in general are a little confusing to me at this point. I tried the obvious assigning a $variable but that didn't work either. Also, looking at the openvpn code, it seems like openvpn::server is "define"d instead of using the class keyword. does this make a difference?

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