On Wednesday, December 25, 2013 9:47:39 AM UTC-6, Felix.Frank wrote:
> Hi, 
> for what it's worth - the error seems to indicate that su considers 
> "/usr/local/bin/git config remote.origin.url" to be the name of an 
> executable file that contains a space. 

I agree that it looks like the whole command argument is being interpreted 
as a file name, but unless the su in question is very different from GNU 
su, that mistake is probably being committed by whatever shell su starts, 
not by su itself.  It is the shell's job to parse the command.  That 
distinction could be very important to tracing down the error.

According to its docs, GNU su uses the shell specified in the target user's 
passwd entry, falling back to /bin/sh if none is specified.  If the target 
user in this case has some weird shell configured, then perhaps it parses 
commands unfavorably.  On the other hand, if the user's shell is anything 
from the Bourne family (e.g. bash or zsh) then I would be inclined to guess 
that there is a problem related to the IFS environment variable.  On the 
third hand, [t]csh always splits words at blanks and tabs, so the problem I 
hypothesize should not occur if that's the configured shell.

I cannot speak directly to the environment Puppet provides to the su 
command, but in general Puppet provides a minimal environment to commands 
it spawns.


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