Platform:  I've downloaded and installed the learning VM.   This system 
runs CentOS with Facter v1.7.3 and Puppet v3.3.1 (Puppet Enterprise 

I've created a fact called hello.rb with the following content: 

       Facter.add(:hello) do
           setcode do 
              "Hello world!"

I've placed the file in /etc/puppetlabs/facter/facts.d (I made this 
directory since the tutorial said to create it if it did not exist).
I added a line to /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/manifests/site.pp for the default 
node:   notify  { $::hello: } .    If I run puppet agent --test, it behaves 
as if my custom fact does not exist:

Notice:  undef
Notice: /Stage[main]//Node[default]/Notify[undef]/message: defined 
'message' as 'undef'

So then the instructions said we could debug the fact by running facter 
--debug.  If I do this, I see an error:  

Fact file /etc/puppetlabs/facter/facts.d/hello.rb was parsed but returned 
an empty data set

I thought this meaningful but the same error will occur for any Facter 
custom fact I put in there.   Even verbatim copy/paste jobs from known 
working examples off the tutorial.      Does anyone know what is going 
on?    I can't tell if the fact is in the wrong directory for Puppet when 
it uses Facter, but for some reason Facter sees it when run in 
standalone?    If the latter is the case, why do I get these parse errors 
despite having valid source? 

Thanks for any help.

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