Hi All,

I'm writing to you today because I am attempting to follow along in the
"Pro Puppet" book I am attempting the ssh module example from page 39.

I am getting the following error on the client when I try to implement it:

[root@beta:~] #puppet agent --test --server puppet.mydomain.com
info: Caching catalog for beta.mydomain.com
err: Failed to apply catalog: Could not find dependency Class[Ssh:install]
for File[/etc/ssh/sshd_config] at

This is the class I have defined on the puppet server:

class ssh::install {
   package { "openssh":
     ensure => present,

class ssh::config {
    file { "/etc/ssh/sshd_config":
      ensure => present,
      owner => 'root',
      group => 'root',
      mode => 0600,
      source => "puppet:///modules/ssh/sshd_config",
      require => Class["ssh:install"],
      notify => Class["ssh::service"],

class ssh::service {
       service { "sshd":
       ensure => running,
       hasstatus => true,
       hasrestart => true,
       require => Class["ssh::config"],

class ssh {
    include ssh::install, ssh::config, ssh::service

And this is the definition I tried to copy from the book:

class ssh::install {

     package { "openssh":

            ensure => present,



      class ssh::config {

           file { "/etc/ssh/sshd_config":

                 ensure = > present,

                 owner => 'root',

                 group => 'root',

                 mode => 0600,

                 source => "puppet:///modules/ssh/sshd_config",

                 require => Class["ssh::install"],

                 notify => Class["ssh::service"],



class ssh::service {

     service { "sshd":

     ensure => running,

     hasstatus => true,

     hasrestart => true,

     enable => true,

     require => Class["ssh::config"],



class ssh {   include ssh::install, ssh::config, ssh::service }

However I can't tell what the differences are that prevent the version I
keyed in from working. I've even created a diff of the two files with the
same order of files that you see above (mine first , theirs second)

[root@beta:~] #cat ssh_diff.txt


< class ssh::install {

<    package { "openssh":

<      ensure => present,

<    }

< }


> class ssh::install {

>      package { "openssh":

>             ensure => present,

>           }

>       }


< class ssh::config {

<     file { "/etc/ssh/sshd_config":

<       ensure => present,

<       owner => 'root',

<       group => 'root',

<       mode => 0600,

<       source => "puppet:///modules/ssh/sshd_config",

<       require => Class["ssh:install"],

<       notify => Class["ssh::service"],

<      }

< }


>       class ssh::config {

>            file { "/etc/ssh/sshd_config":

>                  ensure = > present,

>                  owner => 'root',

>                  group => 'root',

>                  mode => 0600,

>                  source => "puppet:///modules/ssh/sshd_config",

>                  require => Class["ssh::install"],

>                  notify => Class["ssh::service"],

>               }

>            }


< class ssh::service {

<        service { "sshd":

<        ensure => running,

<        hasstatus => true,

<        hasrestart => true,

<        require => Class["ssh::config"],

<      }

< }


< class ssh { include ssh::install, ssh::config, ssh::service }


> class ssh::service {

>      service { "sshd":

>      ensure => running,

>      hasstatus => true,

>      hasrestart => true,

>      enable => true,

>      require => Class["ssh::config"],

>      }

>    }


> class ssh {   include ssh::install, ssh::config, ssh::service }

 Could I possibly borrow a fresh pair of eyeballs that might be able to
recognize what's wrong?


GPG me!!

gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys F186197B

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