
I use puppetlabs-firewall 0.4.2

I have some rules :

firewall { '138 jboss node to node udp' :
        chain       => 'INPUT',
        proto       => 'udp',
        src_range   => $jboss7::params::ip_range,
        dst_range   => $jboss7::params::ip_range,
        action      => 'accept',

    firewall { '139 jboss node to node tcp' :
        chain       => 'INPUT',
        proto       => 'tcp',
        src_range   => $jboss7::params::ip_range,
        dst_range   => $jboss7::params::ip_range,
        action      => 'accept',

Each time I run puppet on the node, I have some configuration changes :

First run :

Notice: /Firewall[138 jboss node to node udp]/src_range: src_range changed
'udp' to ''
Notice: /Firewall[138 jboss node to node udp]/proto: proto changed
'' to 'udp'
Notice: Firewall[138 jboss node to node udp](provider=iptables): Properties
changed - updating rule
Notice: /Firewall[139 jboss node to node tcp]/src_range: src_range changed
'tcp' to ''
Notice: /Firewall[139 jboss node to node tcp]/proto: proto changed
'' to 'tcp'
Notice: Firewall[139 jboss node to node tcp](provider=iptables): Properties
changed - updating rule

Second run :
Notice: /Firewall[138 jboss node to node udp]/src_range: src_range changed
'udp' to ''
Notice: /Firewall[138 jboss node to node udp]/proto: proto changed
'' to 'udp'
Notice: Firewall[138 jboss node to node udp](provider=iptables): Properties
changed - updating rule
Notice: /Firewall[139 jboss node to node tcp]/src_range: src_range changed
'tcp' to ''
Notice: /Firewall[139 jboss node to node tcp]/proto: proto changed
'' to 'tcp'
Notice: Firewall[139 jboss node to node tcp](provider=iptables): Properties
changed - updating rule

And so on.

The rules seem to be applied correctly :

# iptables -L -n -v | egrep 'Chain INPUT|pkts|node to node'
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)
 pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source
    0     0 ACCEPT     udp  --  *      *           source IP range destination
IP range /* 138 jboss node to node udp */
   40  2400 ACCEPT     tcp  --  *      *           source IP range destination
IP range /* 139 jboss node to node tcp */

Any idea ?

Thanks in advance.

Louis Coilliot

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