I'm looking at the case of distributing /etc/cups/printers.conf.

When this file changes, I'd like to distribute it. But before placing the 
new file, cupsd needs to be shut down, and restarted again afterwards. This 
can be done easily enough using an Exec to shut it down and the existing 
Service entry to trigger a restart, but how can I tell my manifest that 
when the File triggers, first do the Exec, then the File, then the Service?

Is there a way to chain these together to produce the effect I'm looking 
for? To stop a service before deploying a new config file, then start it up 

file { '/etc/cups/printers.conf':
    require => Package['cups'],
    source => 'puppet:///modules/cups/printers.conf',
    notify => Service['cupsd'],

service { 'cupsd':
    ensure => running,
    enable => true,

exec { 'stop-cupsd':
    command => 'service cupsd stop',

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