Hello, I was wondering if anyone can give me a pointer on how to solve an 
ambiguous Puppet error "Function not implemented" when attempting to create 
a file using the 'file' resource type.  The '--debug' flag does not produce 
useful information.

My puppet manifests work fine on several other physical and virtual hosts. 
 This error appears on a new host that was recently installed.  The 
software and hardware configuration of this new host are almost identical 
to all other systems on which the same puppet manifests runs normally.  

I notice the error message is appending (what appears to be) the temporary 
file name used in generating a diff to the managed resource. 

I put the error message and relevant manifest on a web page as well as 
excerpt them below.  

Can someone offer suggestions on how I can debug this?  

Thank you,

Full manifest is located here:


The error message is:

err: /Stage[main]//Node[bose]/Openvz::Bindmount[apps07]/File[Bind Mount Config 
for apps07 on bose]/ensure: change from absent to present failed: Could not set 
'present on ensure: Function not implemented - 
/etc/vz/conf/1107.mount20140128-9690-11oic7u-0 at 

This error is being triggered by the following resource:

        file { "Bind Mount Config for ${container} on ${host}":
            ensure  => present,
            path    => $bind_conf,
            content => template('openvz/mount.conf.erb','common/header.sh.erb'),
            mode    => 740, #(Proxmox file system unable to chmod)

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