This is why you should always use explicit scoping :)

Probably someone introduced some osfamily=RedHat in the current scope.

El 31/01/2014 18:46, "Doug_F" <> escribió:

> Yikes...
> (Scope(Class[Mail])) ::osfamily = Debian
> (Scope(Class[Mail])) Module mail, OsFamily RedHat, Operatingsystem Debian
> On Friday, January 31, 2014 10:35:39 AM UTC-7, Jose Luis Ledesma wrote:
>> Sorry, i mean $::osfamily
>> Regards
>> El 31/01/2014 18:29, escribió:
>> Please, could you try using $::operatingsystem?
>> It could be some variable scoping problem...
>> Regards,
>> El 31/01/2014 18:27, "Doug_F" <> escribió:
>> I have tried additionally disconnecting puppetdb via removing
>> storeconfigs and puppetdb.yaml on the puppet master.
>>> I'm looking for more direct evidence of what fact values the master
>>> receives.  Humor me, please.
>> If I run Factor on deb-vm it matches 
>> /var/lib/puppet/yaml/node/
>> from the puppetmaster with correct / expected values.
>> One think I noticed odd is that the puppetlabs-Firewall applies the
>> appropriate class firewall::linux::debian
>> But in the same run the following puppet code is responsible for the
>> error below.
>> case $osfamily {
>>       Debian: {$my_version = $osfamily}
>>       RedHat: {$my_version = "${osfamily}.${::
>> operatingsystemmajrelease}"}
>>       default: {fail("Module $module_name is not supported on $osfamily /
>> $operatingsystem")}
>>     }
>> file { '/etc/mail/':
>>       owner   => root,
>>       group   => root,
>>       mode    => 644,
>>       source  => "puppet:///modules/$module_
>> name/${my_version}",
>>     }
>> Error: /Stage[main]/Mail/File[/etc/mail/]: Could not evaluate:
>> Could not retrieve information from environment production source(s)
>> puppet:///modules/mail/
>> I added this code in the mail module and got this log message:
>>     notice ("Module ${module_name}, OsFamily ${osfamily}, Operatingsystem
>> ${operatingsystem}")
>> (Scope(Class[Mail])) Module mail, OsFamily RedHat, Operatingsystem Debian
>> It may also be worthwhile -- but separate -- to see what facts Facter
>>> computes when you run it from the command line.
>>> Additionally, check the master's log for suspicious entries related to
>>> the problem node.
>> This is really kind of weird. Any thoughts.
>> --
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