wow thanks so much for the fast answer!
im used from python that single or double quote means the same :)

On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 12:47 PM, Peter Bukowinski <> wrote:

> On Feb 5, 2014, at 11:39 PM, Peter Romfeld <>
> wrote:
> >
> > hi,
> >
> > i get the following error:
> >
> > Parameter path failed on File[${nagiospluginsdir}/${pname}]: File paths
> must be fully qualified, not '${nagiospluginsdir}/${pname}'
> >
> > plugin.pp:
> >
> > define nrpeplugins::plugin(
> >   $nagiospluginsdir = $nrpeplugins::params::nagiospluginsdir,
> >   $nrpepluginsdir = $nrpeplugins::params::nrpepluginsdir,
> >   $nrpeservice = $nrpeplugins::params::nrpeservice,
> >   $pname = $title
> > ) {
> >
> >   file { '${nrpepluginsdir}/${pname}.cfg':
> > #  file { 'newnrpe':
> > #    path => '${nrpepluginsdir}/${pname}.cfg',
> >     ensure => file,
> >     owner => root,
> >     group => root,
> >     mode => '0644',
> >     content => template('nrpeplugins/nrped.erb'),
> >     notify => Service['${nrpeservice}']
> >   }
> >
> >   file { '${nagiospluginsdir}/${pname}':
> > #  file { 'newscript':
> > #    path => '${nagiospluginsdir}/${pname}',
> >     ensure => file,
> >     owner => root,
> >     group => root,
> >     mode => '0755',
> >     source  => 'puppet:///modules/nrpeplugins/${pname}'
> >   }
> >
> > }
> >
> > thanks,
> > peter
> You're getting the error because you've used single quotes in the file
> definition. If you want puppet to interpret variables when it compiles the
> catalog, you must use double quotes.
> --
> Peter Bukowinski
> --
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