On Tuesday, February 11, 2014 6:05:54 PM UTC-6, Joaquin Menchaca wrote:
> I was wondering is there is a way to see what puppet things a node 
> resource is, such as classes it includes.  Somehow in our environment it is 
> picking up a class that we did not specify.

I could believe that you are getting a class that you did not realize you 
were declaring, or that you did not declare directly in manifest code 
written by you.  I could believe that the agent is applying a cached 
catalog that contains a class that once was declared for the target node, 
but no longer is.  I do not believe that the catalog compiler is randomly 
throwing in classes that were not in some way declared for the target node.

With that said, it's not altogether clear to me what you're actually 
asking.  I suspect that what you really want is to determine is where the 
unexpected class is declared, and for that purpose the 'grep' command is 
your friend.  Search for the class's unqualified, lowercase name in your 
manifests and hiera data.  If you use an ENC then you can run that manually 
and grep for the class name in its output.


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