On Sunday, February 16, 2014 10:43:53 AM UTC-6, Trevor Vaughan wrote:
> [...] this may not happen but it would still be nice to have.

Well, I think the question that killed this thread the first time boils 
down to "would it really?".  The speculation at the time was that parallel 
execution would produce disappointing wall-time gains, based on the 
assertion that the catalog application process is largely I/O bound.  There 
were also some assertions that Ruby doesn't do shared-memory parallelism 
very well.  Nobody reported any actual analysis of any of that, though.

Whatever benefit there might be needs to be weighed against the costs, 
which include not just the direct costs of developing the feature, but also 
the ongoing costs of added code complexity and increased maintenance burden.

Were I PL, I would be very hesitant to devote resources to such a 
speculative project as I think this would be.  Were I a user interested in 
such a feature and having time available, I might consider having a go the 
project myself.  Working code trumps predictive analysis every time.


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