Hi puppet users,

just wanted to know if there are any puppet users who are using nimsoft
as a monitoring tool? We are currently switching to nimsoft at $work and
I noticed that for a proper monitoring configuration I need information
that is already written down in our puppet manifests.

E.g. to correctly set up logfile monitoring I need to know if the server
is running an oralce database and if so I need to know the configured
oracle instances and the location of the alertlog files. Since we
install the oracle software and instances through puppet, puppet already
has all the info.

I created a few custom types to modify the nimsoft agent's configuration
[1] and would love to get some feedback from other nimsoft users or just
share your experience with nimsoft and puppet and how you automate things.

If you use a different monitoring tool: How much is your monitoring
puppetized? Do you configure your monitoring by hand? Is your monitoring
system so smart that it does not need a lot of manual configuration, or
do you use tools like puppet to automatically create configurations?


[1] https://github.com/stschulte/puppet-nimsoft

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