On Tuesday, March 4, 2014 11:17:48 AM UTC-6, bluethundr wrote:
> Hey all,
>  I'm attempting to setup some defaults to my postfix 'config' class to 
> require a package and request a refresh of the postfix service. 
> This is my class definition:
> class postfix::config {
>    $require = Class["postfix::install"]
>    $notify = Class["postfix::service"]
>    File {
>       owner => "postfix",
>       group => "postfix",
>       mode => 0644,
>     }
>    file {  "/etc/postfix/master.cf":
>         ensure => present,
>         source => "puppet:///modules/postfix/master.cf",
>     }
>    file { "/etc/postfix/main.cf":
>          ensure => present,
>          content => template("postfix/main.cf.erb"),
>     }
> }
> But I notice that if I create a situation where the service _should_ be 
> refreshed (like by moving the main.cf file out of the way and doing a 
> puppet run) the service is not cycled. 
> Can anyone point out where I'm going wrong with my syntax in this class 
> definition?

You are initializing class variables $postfix::config::require and 
$postfix::config::notify with class references, but that has no special 
meaning to Puppet.  In particular, those class variables are not related to 
the 'require' and 'notify' metaparameters that all classes and resources 
provide (and if they were then you wouldn't be able to assign values to 
them inside the class body).

My best translation of your apparent intent into effective Puppet code 
would be this:

Class['postfix::install'] -> Class['postfix::config']
Class['postfix::config'] ~> Class['postfix::service']

.  That which can be shortened to this:

Class['postfix::install'] -> Class['postfix::config'] ~> 

Put one of those in your class in place of the variable declarations, or 
else pull it up to a higher level (e.g. in class 'postfix', if that exists 
and can be assumed to have been declared).


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