It seems like this has been an issue in the past 
but I'm not sure its fixed yet. Can anyone show me some demonstration 
puppet code that will install MySQL and configure it to use /mnt/mysql 
instead of /var/lib/mysql? Nothing I seem to try works -- the MySQL daemon 
continues to start up and use /var/lib/mysql. 

The simplest thing that should have worked, I think, is:

node foo {
>   file { '/mnt/mysql':
>     ensure => directory,
>     owner => 'mysql',
>     group  => 'mysql',
>     notify => Class['mysql::server::service'];
>   }
>   class { '::mysql::server':
>     override_options => {
>       'mysqld' => { 'datadir' => '/mnt/mysql', },
>     },
>     require          => File[$datadir];
>   }
>   mysql::db { 'foo': }
> }

This did create the /mnt/mysql directory, but mysqld still started up using 
/var/lib/mysql... even though my.cnf clearly pointed to /mnt/mysql.


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