Here are the issues I found in Chapter 5.

M = mistake
U = unclear
T = typo
E = text change
C = comment

(T) Pg. 141 "classes, inheritance, variables and environment configuration" ->
"classes, inheritance, variables, and environment configuration"

(E) Pg. 141 "This integration is used" ->
"This is used"

(T) Pg. 141 "using hiera" ->
"using Hiera"

(T) Pg. 141 "chapter 12.Most" ->
"chapter 12. Most"

(U) Pg. 141 Maybe you'll explain it later but it isn't at all clear at
this point
how I'll be able to use the syntax shown to define nodes without
needing to edit files.
Where do lines with that syntax appear?

(E) Pg. 141 "of these for you" ->
"for you"

(T) Pg. 141 "the LDAP node classifier" ->
"an LDAP node classifier"

(M) Pg. 142 "Yet Ain't Markup Language" ->
"YAML Ain't Markup Language"
(How could you allow this mistake?)

(C) Pg. 142 I'm bothered by the fact that "it's" and "It is" appear on the same
line. Although this doesn't have any technical effect, this book is
very inconsistent
about when contractions are used.

(U) Pg. 142 "expressed in a hash"
How is what appears later on the page a hash?

(T) Pg. 142 "you've added our" ->
"you've added your"

(E) Pg. 142 "then expressed that the value of item foo is bar" ->
"then set the value of item foo to be bar"

(E) Pg. 142 "suitable YAML" ->
"valid YAML"

(E) Pg. 142 "to use an external node classifier" ->
"to use an ENC"
(You've been using ENC up to this point. Why change now?)

(E) Pg. 143 "and the name and location" ->
"the path"

(E) Pg. 143 "a classifier called puppet_node_classifier located in the
/usr/bin directory" ->
"a classifier called /usr/bin/puppet_node_classifier"

(E) Pg. 143 "written in shell script" ->
"written in the Bash scripting language"

(U) Pg. 144 "external data store"
What does this mean?

(U) Pg. 144 "The Parameterized Classes in YAML" example is supposed to
show parameters passed to classes. However, the example doesn't make it
clear which parameter is being passed. For example, the example at the bottom
of the page doesn't look much different than the example near the top of the

(T) Pg. 145 "web, web1, web123 and so on" ->
"web, web1, web123, and so on"

(T) Pg. 146 This page uses "hostname" while the previous pages use
"host name".

(T) Pg. 149 "such as DNS, user and group data" ->
"such as DNS, user, and group data"

(T) Pg. 149 "For Red hat" ->
"For RedHat"

(C) Pg. 149 So far the book as used Git for all source code management.
This page all of a sudden, without notice, uses Subversion.

(T) Pg. 149 "change into the resulting directory and make and install
the code" ->
"change into the resulting directory, make, and install the code"

(C) Pg. 150 Some places on this page use first person plural, and other
places use second person plural.

(E) Pg. 150 "Schemas" ->
("Schema" is like "Fish")

(E) Pg. 150 "[master] section]" ->
"[master] stanza"
(This is how previous chapters refer to it)

(E) Pg. 151 "to look to" ->
"to use"

(E) Pg. 152 "manner as doing so" ->
"manner as"

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