Here are the issues I found in Chapter 6. There were an awful lot
of typos.

Jon Forrest

M = mistake
U = unclear
T = typo
E = text change
C = comment

(E) Pg. 155 "multiple hosts that have a relationship" ->
"multiple related hosts"

(E) Pg. 155 "resources and their information to" ->
"resources to"

(E) Pg. 155 "operator" ->
"system administrator"

(E) Pg. 155 "not declare the resource itself" ->
"not declare the resources for these accounts itself"

(T) Pg. 156 "in once place" ->
"in one place"

(E) Pg. 156 "one or more times" ->
"as many times as necessary"

(T) Pg. 156 "until they're-realized" ->
"until they're realized"

(E) Pg. 157 "how to handle the situation where you need to make a number of virtual resources real" ->
"how can multiple virtual resources be made real"

(T) Pg. 158 "The syntax arrows are ->, and ~> ." ->
"The syntax arrows are -> and ~> ."

(T) Pg. 159 "feature they aredesigned" ->
"feature they are designed"

(T) Pg. 159 "through the puppetlabs puppetdb" ->
"through the puppetlabs/puppetdb"

(T) Pg. 159 "puppetlabs" ->

(E) Pg. 159 "If you don't have your Puppet master currently configured to be a node" ->
"If your Puppet master isn't defined in site.pp"

(T) Pg. 160 "Puppetdb will collect" ->
"PuppetDB will collect"

(T) Pg. 160 "offers an API" ->
"offer an API"

(T) Pg. 160 "youcan now export" ->
"you can now export"

(T) Pg. 160 "check the availability to new Puppet-managed systems" ->
"check the availability of new Puppet-managed systems"

(E) Pg. 160 "When new systems are brought online in a large network" ->
"When new systems are brought online"

(E) Pg. 161 "may be declared virtually" ->
"may be declared as virtual"
(This appears twice.)

(E) Pg. 161 "all nodes in the network" ->
"all nodes managed by Puppet"

(E) Pg. 161 "exported and collectible" ->

(E) Pg. 161 "each resource contain the suffixes _dsa or _rsa" ->
"each resource ends with _dsa or _rsa"

(E) Pg. 161 "unique title for the entire network" ->
"unique title"

(E) Pg. 161 "the node may be reached by" ->
"configured on the node"

(E) Pg. 161 "comes from Facter and is automatically provided" ->
"comes automatically from Facter"

(T) Pg. 161 "They type and key parameters" ->
"The type and key parameters"

(U) Pg. 161 "You must also collect all exported sshkey resources"
What does it mean to "collect" a resource?

(E) Pg. 162 "the node classification for every host in the network" ->
"the node classification for every host managed by Puppet"
(There are many cases where "the network" is used on this page.
These aren't necessary because Puppet can manage hosts on one
or more networks.)

(C) Pg. 162 Is "node classification" the right term?

(E) Pg. 162 "host keys are collected" ->
"host keys appear"

(T) Pg. 162 "public key exported" ->
"public keys exported"

(E) Pg. 162 "on the web server" ->
"on the web host"
(This is how you refer to this host everywhere else)

(E) Pg. 162 "on the host" ->

(E) Pg. 162 "So long as Puppet" ->
"As long as Puppet"

(E) Pg. 163 "public identification keys" ->
"SSH host keys"

(E) Pg. 163 "This combination eliminates" ->
"This eliminates"

(E) Pg. 163 "configure the system" ->

(E) Pg. 163 " As operator" ->
" As the system administrator"
(This occurs several places in this chapter.)

(E) Pg. 163 "This configuration file fragment contains a single line, the URL to a member" -> "This produces a configuration file fragment containing a single line, the URL of a member"

(C) Pg. 163 "Puppet recommends"
Puppet doesn't recommend anything. The Puppet style guide might, though.

(E) Pg. 163 "To add additional capacity" ->
"To add additional nodes"

(U) Pg. 164 What's a "contained file resource"?

(E) Pg. 164 "configuring Puppet to automatically monitor" ->
"configuring Nagios to automatically monitor"

(E) Pg. 164 "for Nagios built into the software" ->
"for Nagios built in"

(E) Pg. 165 "looks to the configuration files" ->
"looks in the configuration files"

(M) Pg. 165 "exported by the nagios::target class"
There's no such class shown in this chapter with this name. Do
you mean "nagios::export::target"? This also appears on Pg. 166 and Pg. 167.
Maybe the class in Figure 6-19 should be renamed to nagios::target.

(M) Pg. 165 "Let's take a look at these two classes now (see Listing 6-17)"
Listing 6-17 only contains one class.

(T) Pg. 166 "$ipaddress" ->

(T) Pg. 166 "$fqdn" ->

(T) Pg. 168 "on the puppet master" ->
"on the Puppet master"

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