No help?  Anyone have any ideas why I'm getting this error. 

On Monday, March 17, 2014 10:48:43 PM UTC-7, Sam K wrote:
> Hello All. 
>   My very first post and a Super-noob puppet user checking in.  I have 
> been using puppet for just a week or so and have had moderate success with 
> 2 ubuntu master/agent setup. 
>   Now, I want to test it on a production system, but its driving me nuts.  
> I have a Ubuntu 12.04 system running puppetmaster and a couple of Redhat 
> 6.0 running the agent.  I have them talking and both can ping by FQDN, IP, 
> etc. the master was able to find and sign the agent's certificate as well.  
> I am trying to create/delete a username called katie.  
> This site.pp works perfectly! 
> user { 'katie':
>         ensure => 'present',
>         home => '/home/katie-home',
>         shell => '/bin/csh'
> }
> While this does work on this node, on another node, it does not even 
> work.  
> class add-user {
>         user { 'katie':
>                 ensure => 'present',
>                 home => '/home/katie-home',
>                 shell => '/bin/csh'
>         }
> }
> node 'bb10-x64-rhel60' {
>         import add-user
> }
> But *most annoying* is this error.  Why is this error coming up and why 
> does it work even with errors. 
> *Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on 
> SERVER: Could not parse for environment production: Syntax error at 
> 'add-user'; expected '}' at /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp:11 on node 
> bb10-x64-rhel60*
> On the agent, each time I modify site.pp, I am running 'puppet agent 
> --no-daemonize --onetime --verbose' 
> Thanks
> Sam

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