
I have 2 problems with lines functions : the first and the second ;)

My configuration :

I create line functions (present, absent...)

define line ($file, $line, $ensure = 'present') {
    case $ensure {
        default : {
            err("unknown ensure value ${ensure}")
        present : {
            exec {
                "/bin/echo '${line}' >> '${file}'" :
                    unless => "/bin/grep -qFx '${line}' '${file}'",
                    logoutput => true
        absent : {
            exec {
                "/bin/grep -vFx '${line}' '${file}' | tee '${file}' > 
/dev/null 2>&1" :
                    onlyif => "/bin/grep -qFx '${line}' '${file}'",
                    logoutput => true

Il create a profil class with line function

class profil::redhat {
line {'alias vim':
            file => '/root/.bashrc',
            line => "alias vi=\'vim\'",
            ensure => present
line {'alias color':
            file => '/root/.bashrc',
            line => "alias grep=\'grep --color\'",
            ensure => present

First problem : a single quote problem

My result in my '/root/.bashrc' file, i would like

alias grep='grep --color'
alias vi='vim'

but i have

alias grep=grep --color
alias vi=vim

Can you have an idea to protect single quote?

Second problem : my manifect consider that *alias grep=grep --color*
 is absent in my '/root/.bashrc' file but is present so he create this line 
all the time

alias grep=grep --color
alias grep=grep --color
alias grep=grep --color
alias grep=grep --color

I think it's the space beetween grep and --color 

can you have an idea

thanks a lot in adavace

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