Here are the issues I found in Chapters 11 and 12.

Jon Forrest

M = mistake
U = unclear
T = typo
E = text change
C = comment

(U) Pg. 249 Most readers won't know what "an orchestration framework" is.
I know I don't.

(C) Pg. 249 "commands dispatched to systems in this manner are difficult to manage using the same tools and processes that you manage code with"
Give an example of this.

(U) Pg. 249 "MCollective agents"
It would be useful to contrast an MCollective agent with a Puppet agent.

(E) Pg. 250 "actions on all of your systems is quite straightforward" ->
"actions is quite straightforward"
(The point is that the actions don't have to occur on all your systems)

(E) Pg. 250 "may consider deploying" ->
"may require deploying"

(E) Pg. 253 "connect our clients" ->
"connect our client"
(The example layout only includes one client.)

(E) Pg. 255 "has packages for both DEB and RPM" ->
has packages in both .deb and .rpm formats"

(E) Pg. 257 "addressed by metadata" ->
"selected by examining metadata"

(U) Pg. 257 There are several places on this page that talk about the Facter library.
Why is Facter called a library?

(E) Pg. 257 "locate the Precise boxes" ->
"locate the boxes running Debian Precise"

(E) Pg. 263 "we've taught you" ->
"you've learned"

(E) Pg. 263 "It is still right next to" ->
"It's still contained in"

(E) Pg. 265 "and can split on" ->
"and can key off of"

(E) Pg. 265 "package manager or Gems" ->
"package manager or RubyGems"

(C) Pg. 265 "Hiera can be installed from system packages (Listing 12-6) or with RubyGems (Listing 12-7)." This is already stated in the first sentence of this paragraph. There's no need to say it again.

(E) Pg. 265 "Installing Hiera with packages" ->
"Installing Hiera from packages"

(T) Pg. 266 "/etc//hiera.yaml" ->

(E) Pg. 267 "The file /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml is used" ->
"This file is used"

(E) Pg. 267 "rather than being itself a data store" ->
"rather than being a data store itself"

(E) Pg. 267 "it will attempt to make the lookup on the first element" ->
"Hiera will attempt to match the first element"

(E) Pg. 267 "First create the directory for data" ->
"First create the data directory"

(E) Pg. 268 "run it with the debug flag" ->
"run it with the debug flag (-d)"

(T) Pg. 270 "we use Puppet apply"
Following convention on Page 268, "Puppet apply" should be "puppet apply" and should
be in bold.

(T) Pg. 270 "a value from hiera" ->
"a value from Hiera"

(E) Pg. 270 "code running in development is a good mock for the Puppet code" ->
"code running in development imatches the Puppet code"

(E) Pg. 271 "without giving much thought to type" ->
"without giving much thought to the other types Hiera can return"

(E) Pg. 271 "in the YAML format" ->
"in YAML format"

(T) Pg. 272 In Listing 12-26 shouldn't there be a newline after "clock3"] ?

(T) Pg. 273 "As you can see, we can to offload" ->
"As you can see, we can offload"

(T) Pg. 275 "backup_dirs array is set" ->
"the backup_dirs array is set"

(T) Pg. 275 "focusing the data" ->
"focusing on the data"

(E) Pg. 275 "Where putting strings" ->
"While putting strings"

(E) Pg. 276 "the package, file, service model"
On Pg. 275 you said "package-file-service". Be consistent.

(E) Pg. 277 "Second, create a global.d directory" ->
"Second, create a /etc/puppet/data/global.d directory"

(T) Pg. 281 "(Listing 12-60)and" ->
"(Listing 12-60) and"

(T) Pg. 281 "example of use(Listing 12-61.)" ->
"example of use (Listing 12-61.)"

(E) Pg. 284 "you will want to remove defaults.yaml fully" ->
"you will want to securely remove defaults.yaml"

(T) Pg. 285 "keys on each puppet Master" ->
"keys on each Puppet master"

(M) Pg. 287 "presented as in Listing 12-74" ->
"presented in Listing 12-72"

(T) Pg. 288 "data entry science::param2: 'looked up in Hiera'." ->
"data entry science::param2: 'looked up in hiera'."

(T) Pg. 289 "Openstack-infra does not"
"Openstack-infra" should be in console bold, as on Page 288.

(T) Pg. 292 "a slew of Hiera backends to store our Hiera data"
The names of the backends that follow should use the same font that was used when the backends were presented earlier in the chapter.

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