I have an interesting problem (to me). I want to install Percona
mysql. This is easy.
But I also want to make sure regular MySQL isn't installed on the same
machine that's running Percona.

To install Percona, I have a resource like

  package {
    name => 'Percona-Server-client-55',
    ensure => installed,

To make sure MySQL isn't installed I have

  package {
      provider => "yum",
      ensure => purged,

The problem is that Puppet tries to remove Percona, instead of MySQL.
This is because the Percona rpm provides the mysql feature. By this I mean
the output from 'yum provides mysql' contains (edited):

Percona-Server-client-55-5.5.36-rel34.2.el6.x86_64 : Percona Server - Client
Repo        : XXX
Matched from:
Other       : mysql

Percona-Server-client-55-5.5.36-rel34.2.el6.x86_64 : Percona Server - Client
Repo        : installed
Matched from:
Other       : Provides-match: mysql

Of course, trying to remove Percona fails because other things depend on
it, as they should.

The only ideas I have for removing MySQL, and not Percona, are:

1) Use rpmrebuild to change what Percona provides
2) Use something like (untested)

exec { "/usr/bin/yum -y remove mysql":
  onlyif => "/bin/rpm -qa |/bin/fgrep mysql"

3) Just presume that MySQL won't be installed in the first place.
I could do this but I'd like my modules to be more accepting and
not require a specially prepared system.

Any suggestions?

Jon Forrest

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