I have a local puppet client installed in my machine. 
I downolad https://github.com/swanke/puppet-users.git to manage linux users
I try to do a probe with the test folder:
 puppet apply /root/git/puppet-users/tests/init.pp
Error: Puppet::Parser::AST::Resource failed with error ArgumentError: 
Invalid resource type users::group at 
/root/git/puppet-users/tests/init.pp:6 on node puppet.client.com
Wrapped exception:
Invalid resource type users::group
Error: Puppet::Parser::AST::Resource failed with error ArgumentError: 
Invalid resource type users::group at 
/root/git/puppet-users/tests/init.pp:6 on node puppet.client.com

Inside test folder have 3 files:
  #class { 'users': }
class users {}
users::group { 'phononet':
  ensure => $user1_ensure,
  gid    => '555',

$user1          = 'hugo'
$user1_uid      = 1030
$user1_gid      = undef
$user1_home     = '/home'
$user1_ensure   = 'absent'
$user1_groups   = [ 'sudo', 'adm', 'phononet' ]
$user1_sshkey   = '# Managed by Puppet'
$user1_comment  = 'Hugo'
$user1_password = '!'

$user2          = 'fritz'
$user2_uid      = 1012
$user2_gid      = 1012
$user2_home     = '/home'
$user2_ensure   = 'absent'
$user2_groups   = [ 'sudo', 'adm' ]
$user2_sshkey   = '# Managed by Puppet'
$user2_comment  = 'Fritz'
$user2_password = '!'

# user1 configuration
users::user { $user1:
  ensure   => $user1_ensure,
  uid      => $user1_uid,
  home     => $user1_home,
  groups   => $user1_groups,
  comment  => $user1_comment,
  password => $user1_password,
users::home { $user1:
  ensure => $user1_ensure,
  force  => true,
users::ssh { $user1:
  ensure => $user1_ensure,
  home   => $user1_home,
  sshkey => $user1_sshkey,

# user2 configuration
users::user { $user2:
  ensure   => $user2_ensure,
  uid      => $user2_uid,
  home     => $user2_home,
  groups   => $user2_groups,
  comment  => $user2_comment,
  password => $user2_password,
users::home { $user2:
  ensure => $user2_ensure,
  force  => true,
users::ssh { $user2:
  ensure => $user2_ensure,
  home   => $user2_home,
  sshkey => $user2_sshkey,

users::user { 'hans':
  ensure  => 'present',
  uid     => '1024',
  groups  => [ 'adm' ],

users::group { 'hans':
  ensure => 'present',
  gid    => '1025',

Why doesn't find the  resource type users::group?. The file group.pp 

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