Hello everyone and thank you for taking the time to ready this.

I have been creating my first puppet module for a chatserver we run. The 
chatserver is basically just a perl script & its' not too hard to setup. 
Our previous setup was with CFEngine so I'm porting everything over. 
Setting the files in place was easy but we are moving from inittab to 
Upstart (/etc/init instead of /etc/inittab).

Each server runs 7 instances of the chatserver on 7 different ports for 2 
different sites.

Before I had two separate scripts that kept everything writing.

First chat_server_start.conf calls chat_server with the following:

start on runlevel [345]


        start chat_server PORT="5000" SITE="ffadult"
        start chat_server PORT="5001" SITE="ffadult"
        start chat_server PORT="5002" SITE="ffadult"
        start chat_server PORT="5003" SITE="ffadult"
        start chat_server PORT="5004" SITE="ffadult"
        start chat_server PORT="6600" SITE="getiton"
        start chat_server PORT="6601" SITE="getiton"
end script

Then chat_server.conf runs...

# Respawn and start rules for chat_server.pl

stop on runlevel [06]
instance $PORT

exec /site/bin/chat/chat_server.pl $SITE $PORT >> 
/var/log/chat_server/chat_server_${SITE}_${PORT}.log 2>&1

Simple enough... So here's where I'm unsure if I've done it right. In my 
git repo for puppet my modules is in /home/user/puppet/modules/chatserver

In files I have chat_server.conf & ffadult_chatserver_start.conf (we have 
multiple clusters it's running on & it's called via a variable in the other 
file to call specific roles)

So now, I have created a template called chatserver_start.conf.erb and it 
looks like the following:

start on runlevel [345]


<% @chats.each do |site_port| -%>
        start chat_server PORT="<%= port %>" SITE="<%= site %>"
<% end -%>
end script

I haven't put the contents of all related files here... So if you see are 
wondering about something being called just let me know. I then put the 
different port-site variations in hiera.

  - ffn_logrotate::chat_server
  - ffn_cron::cron_clean_chat_tmp
  - ffn_cron::cron_chat_server_cleanup
  - ffn::chatserver
  - chatserver::chats:
        ffadult: '5000'
        ffadult: '5001'
        ffadult: '5002'
        ffadult: '5003'
        ffadult: '5004'
        getiton: '6000'
        getiton: '6001'

Did I do this correctly? Any help would be appreciated. Even just pointing 
to the proper documentation would be much appreciated. Our resident puppet 
expert is out for the week and I'm trying to get this done before then.

Thanks again!

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