I currently have a custom module that applies our companies' standard 
server config across all servers using Hiera. This includes a class called 
company::sshkeys that has various 'user' resource types (the standard 
puppet type) defined for all of our admins, for example:

class company::sshkeys {

  user {  "jane.doe":
                ensure  => present,
                gid     => "company",
                home    => "/home/jane.doe",
                managehome => true,
                shell => "/bin/bash",
                require => Group["company"]


This is a slight simplification as the same class also includes our SSH 
public keys hence the name.

I now find myself in the situation where I need to deny access to certain 
admins on a single server. We use Hiera in our set-up as much as possible 
and I would like to use Hiera to in the case of a single server tell Puppet 
to not create certain user accounts. I have tried many ways to do this but 
I am unsure on how to call the base resource types even though they are 
embedded in a custom class or even if such a thing is possible.

Any thoughts on the cleanest way to exclude certain users from getting an 

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