On 5/23/14, 4:31 AM, Paul Seymour wrote:
> Hello,
> Just updated the test environment to 3.6.1 and I know the changes have
> been made for virtual packages. But now each agent output displays this:-
> Warning: The package type's allow_virtual parameter will be changing its
> default value from false to true in a future release. If you do not want
> to allow virtual packages, please explicitly set allow_virtual to false.
>    (at /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/type.rb:816:in `set_default')
> I know we can set a top level default but does that really have to come
> out constantly ?
> Now this may be related to 3.6.x but I cannot say for sure. A couple of
> facts we use are now throwing some errors.
> First is:-
> Could not retrieve fact='concat_basedir', resolution='<anonymous>':
> uninitialized constant Puppet
> Which comes from:-
> Facter.add("concat_basedir") do
>     setcode do
>         File.join(Puppet[:vardir],"concat")
>     end
> end
> The second is:-
> Error converting value for param 'config': Could not find value for $confdir
> Which comes from this extract:-
>           if Puppet.version.to_i >= 3
>             Puppet.settings.initialize_global_settings(Puppet[:config])
> unless Puppet.settings.global_defaults_initialized?
>           else
>             Puppet.parse_config
>           end
> If I set it with:-
> Puppet.settings.initialize_global_settings(["--config=/etc/puppet/puppet.conf"])
> Then it works fine.
> So it seems they may be related in facter not reading from the
> puppet.conf file correctly ?
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks
> Paul


Don't mean to move the thread away from the logging issue, just wanted
to post a potential fix for others who want this solved, especially if
all of your nodes are not upgraded at the same time. To do so, I added
the following to my site.pp

  if versioncmp($::puppetversion,'3.6.1') >= 0 {

    $allow_virtual_packages = hiera('allow_virtual_packages',false)

    Package {
      allow_virtual => $allow_virtual_packages,

Best regards,

Garrett Honeycutt
Puppet Training with LearnPuppet.com
Mobile: +1.206.414.8658

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