FWIW, this is my working solution and I think it is much better:


class profiles::logstash::config {
  $brokers = $profiles::logstash::brokers
  $cluster = $profiles::logstash::cluster

  if (!empty($brokers)) and (empty($cluster)) {
    notice("This is a shipper.")
    logstash::configfile { 'output_broker':
      content => template('profiles/logstash/output_broker.erb'),
      order   => 100
  } elsif (!empty($cluster)) and (!empty($brokers)) {
      notice("This is a central indexer.")
      logstash::configfile { 'input_broker':
        content => template('profiles/logstash/input_broker.erb'),
        order   => 10
      logstash::configfile { 'output_es':
        content => template('profiles/logstash/output_es.erb'),
        order   => 100


class profiles::logstash::install() {
  $ensure = $profiles::logstash::enable ? {true => present, default => 
  $status = $profiles::logstash::start ? {true => enabled, default => 

  class { '::logstash':
    ensure  => $ensure,
    status  => $status,
    version => $profiles::logstash::version


# == Class: profiles::logstash
# A basic module to manage logstash
# === Parameters
# [*version*]
#   The package version to install
# [*brokers*]
#   An array of brokers to use on this node
# [*enable*]
#   Should the service be enabled during boot time?
# [*start*]
#   Should the service be started by Puppet?
# Note: Values here are defaults and can be overriden by Hiera
#       see - /etc/puppet/data/node/<host>.yaml

class profiles::logstash(
   $version = "1.4.1-1_bd507eb",
   $brokers = ["", ""],
   $cluster = undef,
   $enable  = true,
   $start   = true
) {
   class{'profiles::logstash::install': } ->
   class{'profiles::logstash::config': } ->

And my YAML:

  - roles::logshipper

profiles::logstash::version: '1.4.1-1_bd507eb'
profiles::logstash::enable: true
profiles::logstash::start: false
  - hostname1
  - hostname2

And my ERB files


<% for @host in @brokers %>

input {
  redis {
    host      => "<%= @host %>"
    type      => "redis-input"
    data_type => "list"
    key       => "logstash"

<% end %>


# iterate over brokers array passed in via Hiera and concatenate
# redis hosts for logstash configuration
host_string = "["
@brokers.each_with_index { |host,idx|
   host_string << "\"#{host}\"";
   host_string << "," if idx < @brokers.length-1
host_string << "]"

output {
  redis {
    host => <%= host_string %>
    data_type => "list"
    key => "logstash"


output {
  elasticsearch {
    cluster   => "<%= cluster %>"
    index     => "logstash-%{+YYYY.MM.dd.HH}"

On Monday, June 2, 2014 11:11:32 AM UTC-4, jcbollinger wrote:
> On Thursday, May 29, 2014 2:39:15 PM UTC-5, Brian Wilkins wrote:
>> Solved it using this tip.. it's odd but it works: 
>> http://serverfault.com/a/538877/26514
> That's odd only inasmuch as the original problem in that serverfault 
> question was different from yours.  The OP was trying to achieve a similar 
> structure to the one you are working on, though, so it is natural that what 
> worked for him also works for you.
> For what it's worth, I think your original problem was here:
> [...]
>   profiles::logstash::config { $name:
>        content => $content,
>        order   => $order,
>   }
> [...]
> The variables $content and $order had not been assigned any values in that 
> scope (class profiles::logstash::shipper), which is exactly what the error 
> message said.
> I think that create_resources() was a red herring.  It should have been 
> possible to use create_resources() more or less as you originally attempted 
> to do, though you should have specified the fully-qualified name of the 
> resource type ("profiles::logstash::config"), which you did not do.  
> Indeed, your final data structure appears still amenable to use with 
> create_resources().
>> shipper.pp
>> class profiles::logstash::shipper() {
>>   $shipper_array = hiera_array('profiles::logstash::config_array')
>>   define hash_extract() {
>>     $shipper_hash = hiera_hash('profiles::logstash::config_settings')
>>     $shipper_config = $shipper_hash[$name]
>>     profiles::logstash::config {'shipper':
>>        content => $shipper_config['content'],
>>        order   => $shipper_config['order'],
>>     }
>>     notice($shipper_config['content'])
>>     notice($shipper_config['order'])
>>   }
>>   hash_extract{$shipper_array:}
>>   class { 'logstash':
>>     ensure  => 'present',
>>     version => '1.4.1-1_bd507eb',
>>     status  => 'enabled',
>>   }
>>   include logstash
> Note that the 'include logstash' is completely redundant (but not directly 
> harmful) in that context because Class['profiles::logstash'] is already 
> declared (immediately prior).  It would be much better to declare the class 
> via its fully-qualified name, though, whichever form you use.
>> }
> I urge you, however, to avoid nesting classes or defined types.  The 
> semantics are not necessarily what you expect (THAT was the serverfault 
> questioner's issue), it makes the class or definition harder to find, and 
> it contributes to confusion about the actual names of these things.
> John

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