I never used the create_resources() and trying to get my head around it.  
So, how do I [re]write my define() type to work with  create_resources() to 
do the same thing similar to this:

class packages::zenpacks::core($pkgs_hash) {
>     define installer::zpack_installer($sure='present',
>                                       $inst='false',
>                                       $zp_ver, $zp_rep)) {
>         package { $name:
>             ensure   => $zp_ver,
>             require  => [
>                           Yumrepo[ $zp_rep ],
>                           Package[ 'zenpack-tools', 'patchutils' ],
>                         ];
>         }
>                   .......
>                   .......
>     }
>     create_resources(installer::zpack_installer, $pkgs_hash)
> }

For my purpose,  I think I still need to use inline_template() for the rqed 
When I install the individual zenpacks, I actually need to do this to 
complete the installation:

installer::zpack_installer { 
>     'zenpack-digmonitor': 
>     require  => Installer::Zpack_installer[ 'zenpack-apachemonitor' ];
> }

How do I handle that? 


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