
I'm using hiera with puppet and i want to store my resources out from the 
modules, in hieradata directory.

Here is my hiera.yaml file:

    - common
#    - %{operatingsystem}
    - %{::hostname}

    - yaml
    - file

    :datadir: '/etc/puppet/hieradata'
    :datadir: '/etc/puppet/hieradata'
:logger: console

The common.yaml file:

 - apr-1.4.8
 - apr-devel-1.4.8
 - apr-util-1.5.2
 - apr-util-devel-1.5.2
 - distcache-1.4.5
 - distcache-devel-1.4.5
 - httpd-2.4.6
 - httpd-tools-2.4.6 
 - mod_ssl-2.4.6
accounts_conf_filename: accounts.victorbuckservices.com.conf
certificate_filename: all.dev.victorbuckservices.com.crt
key_filename: all.dev.victorbuckservices.com.key

My site.pp call a role which call itself a profile which uses a module to 
install apache.
Here is the config..p of apache module:

class apache::config { 
    $accounts_conf_filename           = hiera('accounts_conf_filename')
    $accounts_conf_balancer_filename  = 
    $crt_filename                     = hiera('certificate_filename')
    $key_filename                     = hiera('key_filename')
    file {'/etc/httpd/conf.d/accounts.victorbuckservices.com.conf':
        ensure   => file,
        content  => template($accounts_conf_filename),
    file {'/etc/httpd/conf.d/$accounts_conf_balancer_filename':
        ensure   => file,
        content  => template($accounts_conf_balancer_filename),
    file {'/etc/pki/tls/certs/$crt_filename':
        ensure   => file,
        content  => template($crt_filename),

    file {'/etc/pki/tls/private/$key_filename':
        ensure   => file,
        content  => template($key_filename),


I put data and resource files in /etc/puppet/hieradata/ and when i use the 
command line on the client:
puppet agent --server=d0puppet.victor-buck.com --debug --verbose --noop 
I got the following error :
Error 400 on Server: could not find template 
'accounts.victorbuckservices.com.conf' at 
/etc/puppet/modules/apache/manifests/config.pp:9 on node puppetclient

Someone to help to figure out what happen?
If there are some information missing to make easier to understand what's 
going on feel free to ask me.



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