On 6/23/2014 4:05 AM, Ben Ruset wrote:
Ah, okay this makes more sense for me. So I know that I can stick this
in the same file with the node definitions, but there's got to be a
better place for it to go. Where would the "proper" place be for it to go?

Many thanks for your responses. They've been very helpful.

Simplest solution might be to organize around role/profiles without doing all the fancy create_resources Hiera stuff. However I would take this time to learn Hiera. It's much easier to start with Hiera than to graph it on later. My 2000+ line commit last summer assures me of this. Using Hiera helps you separate data from code which makes you write less code and the code you do right tends to suck less.

That said if you still want to get it up and running without going down that path it might look a bit like the following.

node site-frontend01 {
  include role::frontend

node site-middleware01 {
  include role::middleware

class role::frontend {
  include profile::apache
  include profile::base
  include profile::frontend
  include profile::php

class role::middleware {
  include profile::apache
  include profile::base
  include profile::java
  include profile::middleware
  include profile::varnish

class profile::frontend {
  include ::apache
  include ::sitecode

  apache::vhost { 'www.example.com':
    blah => stuff
  apache::vhost { 'www.notexample.com':
    blah => stuff

class profile::middleware {
  include ::apache
  include ::appcode

  apache::vhost { 'app.example.com':
    blah => stuff,
    port => 8080,
  apache::vhost { 'app.notexample.com':
    blah => stuff,
    port => 8081,

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