On Tuesday, June 24, 2014 9:49:19 AM UTC-5, treydock wrote:
> I was a bit vague in my report initially, will try to clarify. 
> The error about "undefined method >= for :undef" is due to using 
> version 1.0.1 of the module which did not have the fix for 
> MODULES-910.  The fact the value was :undef is the other issue. 
> The error "private method scan called on nil:NilClass" is indeed due 
> to the $apache_version being undefined, which should not be the case. 
> The bug I ran into on the stable version of the module would not have 
> occurred because if that value would have been correctly pulled from 
> $::apache::apache_version, the value would be 2.2 (CentOS 6.5). 

You say "correctly" as if Puppet were in some manner behaving wrongly.  I 
see no reason to think so.  The module -- especially the version you 
started with -- suffers from some evaluation-order issues that limit how it 
can safely be used.


> I'm using only Foreman, no Hiera at this time.  Here is the relevant 
> lines outputted by Foreman: 
> --- 
> classes: 
>   apache: 
>     default_ssl_vhost: true 
>     default_vhost: true 
>     purge_configs: false 
>     server_signature: 'Off' 
>     server_tokens: Prod 
>     trace_enable: 'On' 
>   apache::mod::ssl: 
>   apache::mod::wsgi: 
>     wsgi_socket_prefix: /var/run/wsgi 
> Using puppetlabs-apache-1.0.1 and the above ENC output, I get the 
> following 
> Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on 
> SERVER: undefined method `>=' for :undef:Symbol at 
> /etc/puppet/environments/production/modules/apache/manifests/mod/ssl.pp:35 
> on node web01.brazos.tamu.edu 
> Warning: Not using cache on failed catalog 
> Error: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run 

As I said before, I'm fairly certain that's an evaluation-order issue.  
Puppet is evaluating class 'apache::mod::ssl' before it evaluates class 
'apache', which it is allowed to do given the manifests of that version of 
the module.


> (Yes I'm editing production by hand, but this infrastructure is still 
> non-production :-) ) 
> This change was on the code from puppetlabs-apache-1.0.1 pulled from the 
> forge. 
> --- production/modules/apache/manifests/mod/ssl.pp.orig 2014-06-24 
> 09:36:57.085572966 -0500 
> +++ production/modules/apache/manifests/mod/ssl.pp      2014-06-24 
> 09:38:28.356519037 -0500 
> @@ -1,8 +1,12 @@ 
>  class apache::mod::ssl ( 
>    $ssl_compression = false, 
>    $ssl_options     = [ 'StdEnvVars' ], 
> -  $apache_version  = $::apache::apache_version, 
>  ) { 
> + 
> +  include ::apache 
> + 
> +  $apache_version  = $::apache::apache_version 
> + 
>    $session_cache = $::osfamily ? { 
>      'debian'  => '${APACHE_RUN_DIR}/ssl_scache(512000)', 
>      'redhat'  => '/var/cache/mod_ssl/scache(512000)', 
> The change above with the same ENC output results in no error. 

And that's better from an evaluation-order perspective, because "include 
::apache" at the beginning of the class body forces class '::apache' to be 
evaluated then if it has not been evaluated already.  It's still not 
perfect, however, because it will interact poorly with a resource-like 
declaration of class '::apache' appearing elsewhere.  In that sense, there 
is still an evaluation-order issue.

I am uncertain whether an ENC-based class declaration with parameters 
corresponds to a parameterized-style declaration or to a combination of 
'include'-like declaration and semi-separate data.  The former is more 
straightforward, so that would be my guess, but the latter would be far 
superior for the purpose of avoiding evaluation-order problems.


> Here's where things get interesting.  If I change my ENC output to 
> provide no parameters for apache::mod::wsgi, then I end up with all 
> variables using the $::apache:: reference being 'undef'. 
> ENC: 
> --- 
> classes: 
>   apache: 
>     default_ssl_vhost: true 
>     default_vhost: true 
>     purge_configs: false 
>     server_signature: 'Off' 
>     server_tokens: Prod 
>     trace_enable: 'On' 
>   apache::mod::ssl: 
>   apache::mod::wsgi: 
> Error: 
> Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on 
> SERVER: Invalid relationship: File[wsgi.conf] { before => File[undef] 
> }, because File[undef] doesn't seem to be in the catalog 
> Warning: Not using cache on failed catalog 
> Error: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run 
> That seems like a bug in how Puppet is handling classes defined from an 
> ENC. 

See my previous comments.  I think Puppet could better handle ENC output 
containing class parameter values, but the main problem is that the module 
isn't safe to use as you are trying to use it.  At minimum that indicates a 
flaw in the module documentation (it doesn't explain this limitation).  I 
think the intent is for the module to support your use, but I don't think 
it reliably *can* under any current Puppet.


> Finally, if I go back to stock puppetlabs-apache-1.0.1 and define a 
> parameter for apache::mode::ssl ... 
> ENC: 
> --- 
> classes: 
>   apache: 
>     default_ssl_vhost: true 
>     default_vhost: true 
>     purge_configs: false 
>     server_signature: 'Off' 
>     server_tokens: Prod 
>     trace_enable: 'On' 
>   apache::mod::ssl: 
>     ssl_options: 
>     - StdEnvVars 
>   apache::mod::wsgi: 
>     wsgi_socket_prefix: /var/run/wsgi 
> Thoughts?

I think Puppet is doing something along the lines of first processing those 
ENC class declarations for which parameter values are given, and then 
making a second pass to process the others.  That would be an attempt to 
solve some of the inherent evaluation-order problems, but not a wholly 
effective one.


>  It seems as though a class defined by an ENC with no 
> parameters is treated differently than a class defined with 
> parameters.



>  I'd expect and thought that a class with no parameters 
> was called in a similar was as doing "class { 'apache::mod::ssl': }". 

Goodness, no.  It should be equivalent to doing "include 
'apache::mod::ssl'".  And indeed, I think it is.

The problem is that ENC-declared classes with parameters should *also* be 
handled as if declared via 'include', with the provided parameters forming 
a highest-priority data source for automated parameter binding.  That would 
avoid issues with that same class being declared also somewhere else (such 
as class 'apache' being declared in in 'apache::mod::ssl').


> Should this be filed as a bug against Puppet? 

I could see filing an RFE, but I don't think it's a bug per se because 
Puppet is behaving as designed.

I will bring this up for discussion on the puppet-dev list, and an RFE 
could come from that.  But you can certainly file your own if you wish.

In the mean time, The best solution under current Puppet is probably to put 
your data into Hiera instead of feeding it via the ENC output.  If you 
don't want to do that, then the best alternative that avoids Hiera is 
probably to take control of evaluation order by interposing your own class 
between the ENC and the apache stack.  Maybe something like this:

class site::apache_stack( 
  $default_ssl_vhost = true,
  $default_vhost = true,
  $purge_configs = false,
  $server_signature = 'Off',
  $server_tokens = 'Prod',
  $trace_enable = 'On',
  $wsgi_socket_prefix = '/var/run/wsgi'
) {
  class { 'apache':
    default_ssl_vhost => $default_ssl_vhost,
    default_vhost => $default_vhost,
    purge_configs => $purge_configs,
    server_signature => $server_signature,
    server_tokens => $server_tokens,
    trace_enable => $trace_enable

  include 'apache::mod::ssl'

  class { 'apache::mod::wsgi':
    wsgi_socket_prefix => $wsgi_socket_prefix

The ENC would then need to output something like this instead of what it 
did before:

    default_ssl_vhost: true 
    default_vhost: true 
    purge_configs: false 
    server_signature: 'Off' 
    server_tokens: Prod 
    trace_enable: 'On' 
    wsgi_socket_prefix: /var/run/wsgi 

Obviously, that's somewhat inflexible, in that your interposed class must 
accept all parameters you want to be able to declare via your ENC, and it 
must declare all the component classes in a suitable order.  Furthermore, 
this approach could be mooted if you declare any of the apache classes 
elsewhere, whether directly or indirectly.


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