Em sexta-feira, 11 de julho de 2014 11h11min17s UTC-3, jcbollinger escreveu:
> So, I'm interpreting the hiera data as providing configuration details 
> that, if present, apply to every 'myservice', at least as defaults.  
> Furthermore, from the data and manifests I judge that 'myproblematicconfig' 
> is a distinguished identifier, handled in a manner specific to it.

Almost that. I have quite some configurations like that but almost all of 
them are applied on a single ERB template. The "problematicconfig", on the 
other hand, will manage different files. So AFAICS the iteration need to be 
at the Puppet manifest side. create_resources() is the way I have found to 
iterate a hash without parser=future.

A different structure for your data might work better

Share your thoughts! No problem with some refactor.

, but you can also work with the data structure you already have.  In 
> particular, create_resources() can often be replaced by an array-titled 
> resource declaration with the array drawn from the keys() of your resource 
> hash.  Combinatorial resource declarations are a bit trickier, but they can 
> be done, even without the future parser.

Got the idea, nice approach with keys+regsubst, thank you very much.

You may be able to make that cleaner, simpler, or otherwise better by 
> applying some of your knowledge of the problem space to the structure of 
> the defined types.

Digging a bit more into the problem I found another approach: define a 
local variable with the $title just before the hiera_hash call, and use 
such local variable in the hash declaration. Something like this:

  class profile::my::myservice {
    $mytitle_hiera = $title
    # ENC: $myservices
    $hiera_myservice_host = hiera("myservice_host")
    # ENC has per-host/service and hiera has per-environment configurations
    create_resources(::myservice::host, $myservices, $hiera_myservice_host)


It worked like a charm in my configuration. On the other hand Puppet 
docs[1] says this is not a good practice. I follow the doc in the sense 
that the lookup will be dependent of a manifest configuration. Best 
practices, straightforward code and fit the needs are really challenging.

[1] http://docs.puppetlabs.com/hiera/latest/variables.html#best-practices

Joao Morais

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