I've been trying for a while to work out why my puppet agent run on the puppet 
master was consuming so much time and memory. With a single webrick master 
running puppet puppet-3.6.2-1.el6 and serving about 100 clients, I was seeing 
agent runs on  the master of the order of 4000 seconds. I was keeping, but not 
making use of the agent reports, so the puppet master was tidying these away 
after they reached the an age of 36 hours to avoid wasting disk space. Agent 
runs were quite often getting OOM errors and being killed as this was on a 
virtual machine with 2G of memory. Increasing this limit and watching the agent 
run grow it became clear that stored state was part of the problem. Memory 
consumption was sometimes reaching 3G.

In the end, even after abandoning report generation and allowing the remaining 
report files to be tidied out of existence, I was still seeing a large memory 
footprint and long delays when the puppet run appeared to be doing nothing or 
saving its previous state. Looking in the saved state.yaml file, I saw that 
there were still many hundreds of references to report files and directories 
that used to exist. Only when I finally removed this file altogether, taking 
the risk that a few services would be restarted when they shouldn't be, did my 
puppet run get back to a reasonable time and memory footprint.

It seems from this that the puppet agent is reading and preserving a lot of 
historic state information, even when this is no longer of any use. Is this a 
bug/feature? Is this something I could/should have been able to avoid with 
better knowledge of puppet's configuration options?

Chris Ritson
Newcastle University IT,
c/o School of Computing Science,
Floor 8,
Claremont Tower,
Newcastle University,
NE1 7RU, UK.

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