On Monday, August 18, 2014 10:51:35 AM UTC-5, Rob Reynolds wrote:
> This works great as long as the registry key is of type REG_EXPAND_SZ[1] 
> value, but the key for Path[2] is set to REG_SZ. 

Interesting; all the systems I looked at were REG_EXPAND_SZ. It looks like 
if you insert a %variable% via the GUI, Windows will change it from REG_SZ 
to REG_EXPAND_SZ for you (and back again if you remove all the 
%variables%). I wonder if the windows_env puppet module should do that?

I've done the %variable% in path before without issue and did a quick test 
before posting, but some further curiosity fueling googling suggests there 
may be gotchas that I was not previously aware of. To the OP: I'd be 
interested to hear if you have any such issues.


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