On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 10:08 PM, Wil Cooley <wcoo...@nakedape.cc> wrote:

>  No, recurse is only useful for copying directory to directory.
> What are you going to accomplish? Copying a source directory of symlinks
> as their targets? If so, there's a separate parameter for that.
> Wil
>  I have a separate UMASK defined.

If I follow [2] puppet changes all the directory permission under
/home/bala/ even if they are not included under puppet:///files/home/bala/
to be synced (i.e /home/bala/Documents /home/bala/Downloads
/home/bala/Desktop) gets their permission changed.

If I go with [1] it affects the permission only to the directory which are
getting synced off puppet:///files/home/bala/ (i.e /home/bala
/home/bala/cow /home/bala/cat /home/bala/tiger).

My ideal goal is to have something like [3] where the permission get
enforced only on the directory and subdirectories over-riding the UMASK
which I have set previously.  The enforced permission should not get
applied on the files which are getting synced (i.e /home/bala/temp.txt).
Currently when I follow [3] it changed the permission of
/home/bala/temp.txt to 755 as well.

$ ls files/home/bala/
cow/  cat/  tiger/ temp.txt

  file {'/home/bala':
    ensure=> file,
    source => "puppet:///files/home/bala/",
    sourceselect => "all",
    recurse => true,

  file {'/home/bala':
    ensure=> directory,
    source => "puppet:///files/home/bala/",
    sourceselect => "all",
    recurse => true,

  file {'/home/bala':
    ensure=> directory,
    source => "puppet:///files/home/bala/",
    sourceselect => "all",
    recurse => true,
    mode => "755",

Balasubramaniam Natarajan

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