I've got some beaker tests working with Vagrant, and now onto the vCloud 

The vCloud settings seem a bit confusing to me.  I've integrated only 
briefly against the http API for vCloud, and these settings of "datastore" 
"resourcepool" and "folder" seem to be vSphere specific. 

I'm only a mere vOrg admin,  not a vCloud admin.   So these settings are 
kind of strange to me, and when I asked our real admin, I got this reply: 

*-          resource pool path would be: <VDC name> (no further 

*-          folder: /vcd001no/<Org>/<VDC>/<vApp>/<VM>             (all 
include the UUIDs)*


This documentation states: * 'specifying both the target template as well 
as three additional parameters'*

By "Target Template"  I assumed "Catalog Template"... or does this have 
some convention around a bootable VM  with a snapshot that it can restore 
that puts the VM in a ready state for testing and provisioning?

And the sample doesn't use UUID's - but I assume our folder names were 
configured differently from our sample. 

My config consists of

 a .fog file with working credentials. 

~~~ .fog


  :vsphere_server: 'vcd011no.**********t'

  :vsphere_username: 'bswift'

  :vsphere_password: '**********'

~~~  rhel-64-x64.yml

# log_level: verbose

type: foss

consoleport: 443

datastore: IDEV7129_VDC

resourcepool: IDEV7129

folder: vcd001no/IDEV7129/IDEV7129_VDC

As far as I've gotten, is this error. 

gems/nokogiri-1.5.11/lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb:159:in `evaluate': Undefined 
namespace prefix: //soapenv:Body/* (Nokogiri::XML::XPath::SyntaxError)

I realize it might be hard for someone to help me, but a bit of background 
on any particulars on how vCloud needs to be configured and what API this 
is using in the back end would be helpful for me to work through this 


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