On Wednesday, September 10, 2014 9:09:14 AM UTC-5, Matthew Pounsett wrote:
> On 10 September 2014 08:08, Daniel Siechniewicz <dan...@siechniewicz.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> This particular hiera backend, from what I understand, is extracting
>> values from puppetdb "on the fly", so you don't have to put any values
>> in hiera yaml/json files save for a relevant puppetdb query. This
>> would centralize data gathering and localize it to a "data component".
>> Otherwise you end up with puppetdb queries within your manifests which
>> could be not what you want. Then again, this really depends on your
>> preferences. Good luck and tell us if this worked for you.
>> It looks like it's designed to deal with facts and classes only.  I 
> really need something that can get data from resources (defined types).

Or maybe that's just how you've determined to do it.  And it is indeed a 
crappy design, because Puppet resources -- including exported ones -- are 
not intended to function as data vehicles within the master, and they do 
not conveniently do so.  Instead, they are intended to carry data from 
master to agent.


>  It's crappy design, but I could move *some* of the global variables 
> defined in my type's module into facts to make those available, but I don't 
> see a decent way to get data out of the resources, so I don't think it 
> solves the whole problem.

If you have to manage a site configuration wherein one machine's 
configuration needs to draw on details of many other machines', then it 
seems to me that the way to go would be to model all that data in hiera in 
such a way that each machine can get what it needs from there.  The main 
thing there is to avoid putting anything in a machine-specific hierarchy 
level if more than one node needs to draw on it.  You can use hashes keyed 
on the node identifier instead.


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