On 16/09/14 14:30, jcbollinger wrote:

On Tuesday, September 16, 2014 4:44:32 AM UTC-5, Jonathan Gazeley wrote:

    Overnight my Facter seems to reporting new errors. As far as I can
    neither Puppet, Facter, MCollective or the facts in question were
    updated, so I'm struggling to find a cause. The problem as
    because MCollective is emailing me with the same error every 15

    This error is printed when I run facter:

    Error loading fact /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/warranty.rb: no such
    to load -- facter/util/warranty

    The fact is provided by this module (my module, but not my code)


    The file /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/warranty.rb does exist on my
    and is readable as is the referenced submodule in
    /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/util/warranty.rb , so I am not sure
    what is
    causing the problem.

My first guess would be a load path problem. If you're willing to limit your module to Ruby 1.9+, then you could try replacing the offending 'require' call with

    require_relative 'util/warranty'

Even if you don't want that Ruby version constraint, it might be illuminating to see whether 'require_relative' in fact does solve the problem.

For testing only, you could also consider printing the $LOAD_PATH just before executing the 'require'.

And speaking of Ruby version, are you certain /that/ didn't change on you? Clearly something did.


Thanks for your detailed response. We're running Ruby 1.8.7, the standard packaged with CentOS 6. We're unwilling/unable to switch to a newer Ruby from another source, especially as we're a university and the freshers are arriving this weekend! The penalty for breaking IT systems in the run-up to the start of term isn't worth thinking about ;)

Permissions on the files in question and their parent directories shows that the files should be world-readable. We're not using POSIX ACLs. We are experienced users of SELinux and I can also confirm that the audit log shows nothing of relevance. Running in Permissive mode doesn't help. The facts that my module installs have the same SELinux contexts as other facts.

I checked over the yum.log and nothing was updated at the time that these symptoms started happening on 3 servers at the same time. Nothing was changed in the puppet.log, and nobody updated any Forge modules etc. The 3 servers are all Dell of the same hardware generation. Other Dell servers in our estate were not affected.

Attempting to use require_relative with Ruby 1.8.7 yields "undefined method `require_relative' for main:Object"

Printing the $LOAD_PATH does not list /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/ when executing facter or facter -p as my user. It does not print any paths when I execute facter as root.

I don't really know my way around Facter and Ruby so I'm sort of shooting in the dark here trying to understand how it *should* work, and then working out why mine is different.


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