This is what I do. This way the sub-classes automatically get variables
defaults from the parent-class and when using the module you should only
have to call the parent class; as long as you have defined all your
parameters that are used  by any sub-model in the parent class.

class module (
 $var0 = $::module::params::var0,
 $var1 = $::module::params::var1,

) inherits ::module::params {
include module::file
include module::package

class module::file (
 $var0 = $::module::var0
 ) {  }

class module::package (
 $var1 = $::module::var1
 ) {  }

On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 7:49 AM, jcbollinger <>

> On Wednesday, September 17, 2014 3:15:44 AM UTC-5, François Lafont wrote:
>> Le 17/09/2014 04:26, Sebastian Otaegui a écrit :
>> > As far as I know "inner classes" are an anti pattern(for the lack of a
>> > better term)
>> >
> Nested classes are poor form, but multiple classes in the same module are
> fine.
>> > Each class should live in its own file.
>> >
>> > More than one class per file is discouraged
> More specifically, nesting classes or defined types inside other classes
> is widely considered poor form these days, and it *will* cause you grief
> unless you know exactly what you're doing or you get very, very lucky.
> Putting multiple un-nested classes or definitions in the same file (or
> otherwise arranging classes and definitions differently than the autoloader
> is prepared to handle) is even worse form, and even if you know what you're
> doing you probably cannot make that work smoothly without resorting to
> near-deprecated 'import'.
>> I agree. It's better to define "inner classes" in separate files
> I prefer the terminology "module classes", as distinguished from the
> "module main class" or "main module class".  The term "inner class" carries
> too much baggage, and anyway, sometimes module classes are not intended to
> be private to the module.
>> (my_module::internal1 in my_module/internal1.pp, my_module::internal2
>> in my_module/internal2.pp etc).
>> But this is not really my question. My question is: which pattern should
>> I use:
>>     a) to define inner classes (indeed in a specific file)
>>     b) and to call inner classes in the "my_module" class (which is the
>>        "top level" class called by the user of my_module)
>> knowing that a inner class needs to use variables defined in
>> my_module::params, but among these variables, maybe severals
>> variables are parameters of the my_module class with a different
>> value of the default value proposed in my_module::params.
> Do not get hung up on class inheritance, and especially do not confuse the
> usage of the terms "class" and "inheritance" in Puppet context with the
> usage of the same terms in OOP context.  Puppet classes are not classes in
> the OO sense, and Puppet class inheritance has significant dissimilarities
> from typical OO class inheritance.
> Moreover, with respect to your actual question, it is important to
> understand the purpose of class inheritance as it applies to the params
> class pattern: its *only* purpose in that context is to ensure that the
> ::params class is evaluated (and thus its variables assigned their values)
> before the parameter list of the inheriting class is evaluated.  That makes
> it safe for variables of the ::params class to be used as class parameter
> defaults in the inheriting class.  Note, too, that that effect is merely a
> side effect of class inheritance, not its true purpose.
> If a given module class uses variables of the module's ::params class, but
> none of them as (its own) parameter defaults, then it can 'include
> my_module::params' in its body instead of inheriting from the params
> class.  If a module class does use ::params class variables as default
> values for its own parameters, however, then it should inherit from the
> params class both for documentary and for self-containment purposes.
>> For instance with:
>> class my_module (
>>   $var1 = $my_module::params::var1,
>>   $var2 = $my_module::params::var2,
>>   $var3 = $my_module::params::var3,
>> ) inherits my_module::params {
>>     # The body of the class
>> }
>> and:
>> class my_module::params {
>>   ## API of the module ##
>>   $var1 = default_value1
>>   $var2 = default_value2
>>   $var3 = default_value3
>>   ## shared variables between the classes of my_module
>>   ## but they are not part of the API module
>>   $foo1 = default_value_foo1
>>   $foo2 = default_value_foo2
>>   $foo3 = default_value_foo3
>>   ...
>> }
>> Imagine I want to define an inner class "internal" which
>> needs to use $var2, $var3, $foo1 and $foo2. Which pattern
>> should I use to define my "internal" class.
>> This one?
>> class my_module::internal (
>>   $var2,
>>   $var3,
>> ) inherits my_module::params {
>>   notify { "value of foo1 -> $foo1": }
>>   notify { "value of foo2 -> $foo2": }
>> }
> No, if only because you are using the variables $my_module::params::foo1
> and $my_module::params::foo2 without qualifying their names.  It works, but
> it is poor form.  In this particular case it is also confusing, because
> class parameters $my_module::internal::var2 and $my_module::internal::var3
> have the same unqualified names as variables of class my_module::params,
> but they are completely separate variables.
>> This one?
>> class my_module::internal (
>>   $var2,
>>   $var3,
>> ) {
>>   require my_module::params
>>   notify { "value of foo1 -> $my_module:params::foo1": }
>>   notify { "value of foo2 -> $my_module:params::foo2": }
>> }
> It would be better to use 'include' than 'require' in this case, and you
> mis-typed a couple of your namespace separators, but basically that's fine.
>> Or maybe another one...?
> You could also do this:
> class my_module::internal (
>   $var2,
>   $var3,
> ) inherits my_module::params {
>   notify { "value of foo1 -> $my_module::params::foo1": }
>   notify { "value of foo2 -> $my_module::params::foo2": }
> }
> I'm not a big fan of the ::params class pattern in the first place, but if
> you use it then there is some maintenance advantage in keeping all your
> code consistent that way.
> John
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