On 2014-17-09 17:37, jcbollinger wrote:

On Tuesday, September 16, 2014 12:26:24 PM UTC-5, Juan Sierra Pons wrote:

    Hi guys,

     From your comments I see that there are 2 issues here the parser and
    the anchor. For clarity shake I have deleted the anchor resources and
    Class defaults as I don't fully understand the purpose of if they have
    meaning on my environment, even after reading the link you provided.
    After this all the manifest seem to behave as before.

    My puppet.conf working configuration with 3.6 was like this:

    parser       = future
    evaluator   = current

Please be aware that the future parser is basically a beta / technology
preview.  It is not guaranteed to be consistent even between minor
Puppet versions, and I really wouldn't recommend enabling it on
production systems.

    I needed the parser and the evaluator set like this to get some piece
    of code from the [1] terrarum blog to work:

If the terrarun examples you linked to earlier are characteristic of
that blog's technical quality, then I am not very impressed.  If they
are recommending using the future parser without warning you about the
implications then I am not impressed at all.

    $trusted_networks = hiera_array('trusted_networks')
    $trusted_networks.each |$network| {
       firewall { "003 allow all traffic from ${network}":
         proto  => 'all',
         source => $network,
         action => 'accept',

The error in question is not coming from this part of the code afaict, and it looks ok to me.

below, it is shown that the error is from:

Where there must be a construct that the new more strict validator does not like. The error is about "non productive expression" which means that expressions without side effects that are placed in a sequence are no longer allowed because they are typically the result of typos or having written something that is believed to have a particular meaning, but it does not.

Suggest reporting the issue against the postgresql module.

The future parser does make things like that easier, which is a big part
of why it's being developed, but they are not impossible with Puppet 3's
default parser.  The old-school way to perform code that particular bit
of configuration would go something like this:

# ...
$trusted_networks = hiera_array('trusted_networks')
my_module::trusted_network_firewall { $trusted_networks: }
# ...

define my_module::trusted_network_firewall () {
   some_module::firewall { "003 allow all traffic from ${title}":
     proto  => 'all',
     source => $title,
     action => 'accept',

    On the other side I have comment out the parser and evaluator lines
    because they are giving  problems with other modules too:

    Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on
    SERVER: This Type-Name is not productive. A non productive construct
    may only be placed last in a block/sequence at

    on node server.example.com <http://server.example.com>

    So as far as I know my systems is as it was with 3.6 but the
    trusted_networks are not being applied as they need the parser =

Henrik would know for sure, but if your code worked in 3.6 (with the
future parser) but broke in 3.7 (still with the future parser) then it
seems reasonable to attribute that to changes in the future parser.
Certainly the error message you first reported points that direction.
As I already said, the future parser should not be assumed stable.  (You
should be able to rely on its stability once it is released as the
standard parser in Puppet 4, however.)

One change in 3.7 is that the "evaluator = current" has no effect, it is now using both the new parser and the new evaluator when --parser future is used. This is done because the old evaluator will go away in 4.0 and we want to ensure that the new evaluator gets exposure to the real world.

- henrik


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