We have a need to have the same login accounts exist on several old/legacy 
systems internally (older systems, won't be connected to LDAP for a variety 
of reasons).  Reading around, it seemed like a simple task to do, using the 
virtual users and realize functions:

        @user { "username":
                require         => Group['staff'],
                ensure          => present,
                uid             => 4444,
                gid             => 90,
                password        => '$1$OMITTED.',
                groups          => "wheel",
                shell           => '/bin/bash',
                home            => '/home/username',
                managehome      => true,

        file { "/home/username":
                ensure          => directory,
                recurse         => false,
                purge           => false,
                owner           => 6332,
                group           => 90,
                require         => User['username'],

        # Realize users
        Group <| title == staff |> -> User <| title == username |>

It works for 4 out of 5 users; the other, puppet doesn't transfer the 
"password" into the shadow file.  I've pored over and there are no typos. 
 The hash is the correct length.  Instead, the shadow password for this 
user ends up being "!!".   I remove the user from passwd, shadow and the 
homeir and this still happens, regardless.   The hash ends in a / (slash) 
and I wonder if that might be tripping Puppet up.  That's the only thing I 
can think of.

Also, if you happen to change the password field, that doesn't get updated 
forward, which is not the behavior I expected.


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