Thanks Neil,

In yours and Johns example you both have ${title} at the end of 
Preferences.  When I tried this (after his post, I haven't tried your code 
yet), I ended up with a folder called Preferences/office_2011 which defeats 
the purpose of what I am trying to do.  Am I misunderstanding that line?  I 
understand why two modules can't manage the same folder (from a Puppet 
perspective) but was thinking that all of my modules would send a list of 
files to the one module that had the ability to write to that folder and it 
would work.  

I really appreciate everyone trying to help me, but I guess there is 
something that I am not understanding, or perhaps I am not explaining 
myself properly.  If I have a variable after Preferences (which I need to 
prevent the duplicate resource) then how do I get all of my files into the 
root of that Preference folder?  

I apologize if your code works the way I am asking, but if it does, then I 
don't understand what the variable is doing after the word Preference and 
could use some clarification on that. Also, what is the $components 
variable mean?  Is that a type of function or feature that I can read up on 
in the documentation?


On Monday, September 22, 2014 2:27:44 PM UTC-5, Neil - Puppet List wrote:
> Hello
> I do not think that is possible or really desirable. Puppet is about 
> desired state so you can not say the directory should both be
> /pathtodir
> ├── fileA
> └── fileB
> and /tmp should be
> /pathtodir
> ├── fileB
> └── fileC
> as the first says must not have fileC and the second says must have 
> fileC.  Those are conflicting.
> Back to what you could do, which is to write to two separate directories 
> and then merge them together with a separate command that is triggered by 
> either directory changing. But you should not go down that route especially 
> in a situation like this where you can specify exactly what files you want.
> Going to your original post what you are trying to do is write the 
> preferences for a particular application in the User Template for that 
> application. Trouble is, looking on my mac, there are multiple plist files 
> there for each application
> so transform your
> file { "System/Library/User Template/English.lproj/Library/Preferences/":
>     source  => "puppet:///modules/office_2011/Preferences",
>     owner   => "root",
>     group   => "wheel",
>     mode    => 600,
>     recurse => true,
>     require => Package["$main_package"],
>     }
> into
> $components = ['','',]
> macprefs::usertemplate{ $components:
>   require    => Package[$main_package],
>   sourcebase => 'puppet:///modules/office_2011/Preferences',
> }
> (or that can be wrapped up into a define for this set of prefs,)
> now you need to implement macprefs::usertemplate. (I've ignored the 
> language/locale issue which could complicate matters)
> so now you make a module and in there you do similar things to John's post
> in a file macprefs/manifest/init.pp start by making "/System/Library/User 
> Template"
> class macprefs {
>   # A shared resource:
>   file { '/System/Library/User Template/English.lproj/Library/Preferences
> ':
>     ensure => 'directory',
>     owner  => 'root',
>     owner  => 'wheel',
>     mode   => '0700'
>   }
> }
> in a file macprefs/manifest/usertemplate.pp
> define macprefs::usertemplate($sourcebase, $require) {
>   # relies on the preferences base directory:
>   include 'macprefs'
>   # A file in the templates directory:
>   file { "/System/Library/User Template/English.lproj/Library/Preferences
> /${title}":
>     ensure  => 'file',
>     source  => "$sourcebase/$title",
>     require => $require,
>     owner   => 'root',
>     group   => 'wheel',
>     mode    => '0600'
>   }
> }
> ----
> Neil
> On 22 September 2014 17:30, < <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Thanks John,
>> By putting the /etc/preferences/${title} in the file line, aren't you 
>> putting a subfolder in the preferences folder on the puppet agent?  I tried 
>> to follow your example and it happened to me.  
>> What I am looking to do is to have different modules writing into the 
>> base folder, in your example "/etc/preferences/".  The modules won't ever 
>> have the same file names, so overwritting isn't a concern.
>> Is this possible?  
>> On Monday, September 22, 2014 9:33:04 AM UTC-5, jcbollinger wrote:
>>> On Saturday, September 20, 2014 2:33:34 PM UTC-5, 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Thanks Neil,
>>>> I am not sure I understand exactly what you mean, so I will post the 
>>>> code I have done for testing (I am using different paths, but the concept 
>>>> is the same as the original post). 
>>>> Here is the class with the define.  It is in a module called 
>>>> copy_directory.
>>>> class copy_directory {
>>>> }
>>>> define managed_preferences ($source = undef) {
>>>>   file {"/tmp/":
>>>>     source  => "puppet:///modules/${source}/tmp",
>>>>     recurse => true,
>>>>     owner   => "root",
>>>>     group   => "root",
>>>>     mode    => 600,
>>>>   }
>>>> }
>>>> Here is the module that calls it.  
>>>> include copy_directory
>>>> class test_module {
>>>>   managed_preferences { 'title':
>>>>   source => "$module_name",
>>>>   }
>>>> }
>>>> I also created a module called test_module2 with the same code.  I know 
>>>> that file {"/tmp/": is causing the problem, but the entire point is 
>>>> different modules copy files into that directory. To me I'm defining it 
>>>> once, and using it twice.  As I defined it in the copy_directory module, 
>>>> and I am using it in the test_module and test_module2.   What am I doing 
>>>> wrong?
>>> A class may be declared multiple times (though the resource-like syntax, 
>>> if used, must be the first one evaluated), with the same effect as 
>>> declaring it just once.  That is, classes are idempotent.  Ordinary 
>>> resources, including defined-type instance, may be declared only once.  
>>> Given that defined types are usually meant to allow multiple instances, it 
>>> follows that defined type instances must declare only resources that wholly 
>>> belong to them; they must not not declare shared resources.  Instead, they 
>>> can rely on a class to declare the shared resources.
>>> For example:
>>> class my_module::preferences_base {
>>>   # A shared resource:
>>>   file { '/etc/preferences':
>>>     ensure => 'directory',
>>>     owner  => 'root',
>>>     owner  => 'group',
>>>     mode   => '0644'
>>>   }
>>> }
>>> define my_module::preference_file($source) {
>>>   # relies on the preferences base directory:
>>>   include 'my_module::preferences_base'
>>>   # A file in the preferences base directory:
>>>   file { "/etc/preferences/${title}":
>>>     ensure => 'file',
>>>     source => $source,
>>>     owner  => 'root',
>>>     owner  => 'group',
>>>     mode   => '0644'
>>>   }
>>> }
>>> That should also work if the the shared directory is managed 
>>> recursively, or if the defined type declares a directory instead of a file 
>>> -- even a recursively managed one.  Does that help?
>>> John
>>>  -- 
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