
When i executed your facts. It is throwing me error

*irb(main):001:0> require 'facter'*
*=> true*
*irb(main):002:0> Facter.add(:java_versions1) do*
*irb(main):003:1* setcode do*
*irb(main):004:2*  file = '/home/suppalapati/java.txt'*
*irb(main):005:2> if File.exists?('/home/suppalapati/java.txt')*
*irb(main):006:3> lines = File.readlines( file, "\n")*
*irb(main):007:3>  if ! lines.nil?*
*irb(main):008:4> versions = lines.collect {|command| `#{command.chop}`}*
*irb(main):009:4> else*
*irb(main):010:4*  versions = `java -version`.to_a*
*irb(main):011:4> end*
*irb(main):012:3> versions.join(",")*
*irb(main):013:3>  else*
*irb(main):014:3* versions = "Can't find file: #{file}"*
*irb(main):015:3>  end*
*irb(main):016:2>  end*
*irb(main):017:1>  end*
*=> #<Facter::Util::Fact:0x00000000a50320 @name=:java_versions1, 
@ldapname="java_versions1", @resolves=[], @searching=false, @value=nil>*

*Please help me*

On Wednesday, October 8, 2014 5:08:28 PM UTC-4, Corey Osman wrote:
> Yea looks like the Facter readlines method doesn't exist.
> http://ruby-doc.org/core-1.8.7/IO.html#method-c-readlines
> You will need to use ruby's readlines and probably clean up the lines as 
> well with chop.
> Revised edition:  (untested, and probably full of syntax errors)
> Facter.add(:java_versions1) do
>      setcode do
>         file = '/home/suppalapati/java.txt'
>         if File.exists?('/home/suppalapati/java.txt')
>                lines = File.readlines( file, "\n")
>                if ! lines.nil?
>                  versions = lines.collect {|command| `#{command.chop}`}
>                else
>                  versions = `java -version`.to_a
>               end
>               versions.join(",")
>        else
>              # poor mans debugger
>              versions = "Can't find file: #{file}"
>         end
>      end
> end
> Please read : https://docs.puppetlabs.com/facter/1.7/custom_facts.html
> See section about loading custom facts. This will give you the chance to 
> test on your machine.  
> check syntax ruby -c <facter_file.rb> 
> On Wednesday, October 8, 2014 12:33:55 PM UTC-7, Spriya wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I used the same command which you provided me
>> Here is the code:
>> Facter.add(:java_versions1) do
>>      setcode do
>>         log = Facter::Util::FileRead.readlines( 
>> '/home/suppalapati/java.txt')
>>         if ! log.nil?
>>            versions = log.collect {|command| `#{command}`}
>>         else
>>            versions = `java -version`.to_a
>>         end
>>         versions.join(",")
>>      end
>> end
>> Here is my txt file
>> /usr/java/jre1.7.0_51/bin/java
>> /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-openjdk-
>> /opt/CLM-Web-Tools/im/linux.gtk.x86_64/jre_6.0.0.sr9_20110208_03/jre/bin/java
>> /opt/CLM-Web-Tools/im/linux.gtk.x86/jre_6.0.0.sr9_20110208_03/jre/bin/java
>> /opt/IBM/TeamConcertBuild/jre/bin/java
>> /opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse/jre_6.0.0.sr9_20110208_03/jre/bin/java
>> /opt/IBM/InstallationManager_old/InstallationManager_old/eclipse/jre_6.0.0.sr9_20110208_03/jre/bin/java
>> /opt/IBM/TeamConcertBuild_old/jre/bin/java
>> /opt/itm/v6.2.2/JRE/lx8266/bin/java
>> /var/lib/alternatives/java
>> /u01/app/oracle/product/jdk1.7.0_25/jre/bin/java
>> /u01/app/oracle/product/jdk1.7.0_25/bin/java
>> The fact is not returning anything.
>> Let me know
>> On Wednesday, October 8, 2014 3:22:22 PM UTC-4, Corey Osman wrote:
>>> *I would probably do something like this where we store all the java 
>>> versions in a comma separated string.Although if using facter >= 2.0 you 
>>> can probably remove the join statement and store as an array.I also want to 
>>> point out that java -version returns about 3 lines of text which may not be 
>>> desirable. I am also not sure if Facter has a readlines  method (guessing 
>>> it does), so you might have to swap out with ruby's file reading code.*
>>> Facter.add(:java_versions) do
>>>      setcode do
>>>         log = 
>>> Facter::Util::FileRead.readlines( '/home/weblogic/java.txt')
>>> *        if ! log.nil?           versions = log.collect {|command| 
>>> `#{command}`}        else           versions = `java -version`.to_a*
>>> *        end         versions.join(",")     end*
>>> end
>>> Corey
>>> On Tuesday, October 7, 2014 10:31:12 AM UTC-7, Spriya wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I have a text file where i get all the java version.
>>>> *cat java.txt*
>>>> */usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk- -version*
>>>> */usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-openjdk- -version*
>>>> */opt/oracle/agent12c/core/ -version*
>>>> */opt/oracle/agent12c/core/ -version*
>>>> */var/lib/alternatives/java -version*
>>>> */u01/java/jdk1.7.0_65/jre/bin/java -version*
>>>> */u01/java/jdk1.7.0_65/bin/java -version*
>>>> Now i want to run commands in each line and place it in facts.
>>>> How can i do that.
>>>> I have just started doing the code*.*
>>>> *logfile = '/home/weblogic/java.txt'line_num=0log = 
>>>> Facter::Util::FileRead.read(logfile)unless log.nil?  log.each_line do 
>>>> |line|  output =  Facter::Util::Resoloution.execHow can i can continue 
>>>> thatPlease help me*

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