In puppet 2.7 we use the following construct.

define some::fun(
  ensure => present,
  sname => ''
) {
  include some::fun_setup
  # Template uses sname
  file {"/path/$name":
    content => template("${name}.erb"),

class some::fun_setup {
    source => "puppet:///modules/some-files/${sname}.ca.pem"

The reference to sname in some::fun_setup does not work in puppet 3.  Not 
surprising given the scoping changes.  The problem is I am not sure how to 
reference sname defined in the resource from the class some::fun_setup.  In 
reading the documentation I think something like $some::fun::sname should 
work, but it doesn't.  What is the correct way to reference sname from 

The goal is to be able to have manifests that use some::fun as follows:

  some::fun{'fragment1': ensure => present}
  some::fun{'fragment2': ensure => present}

The fragments are unique, but the ca cert only needs to be installed once.

Thanks in advance,


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