On Monday, November 17, 2014 12:32:44 PM UTC-6, Seokhee Kim wrote:
> Hi,
> We have some special case to use Puppet which need to sync many and many 
> files but just few files are updated ( delete, created or updated ).
> Is there any way to sync just for changed files? now I am syncing whole 
> dir with purge option.
> And I realized it's getting slower and slower based on number of files.
> So it looks like syncing changed list would be good idea.
The cost of such an operation must scale with the number of files, unless 
you know in advance of each run, through some out-of-band mechanism, what 
updates need to be performed.  If you don't know that then you have no 
alternative but to touch or at least examine every one, either to determine 
whether it needs to be updated or to blindly overwrite it.  You can make 
that *cheaper* by various means, such as changing the Files' 'checksum' 
parameter or managing the files via rsync instead, but such options still 
scale the same way.

There is in fact a way to scale with the number of changes instead of with 
the number of files, however: manage the files via a version-control system 
(git, svn, mercurial, etc.) instead of directly via Puppet.  This has 
overhead in the form of disk space, of course, and Puppet will not be able 
to report as precisely on changes performed.  Also you will not be able to 
have Puppet relationships with individual files from the collection, 
because they are not represented to Puppet as individual resources.


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