Eric & John!

Emacs is the best! Get over it! =)


I do think John is correct, I really was trying to avoid what is clearly 
the "Puppet" way of things by treating resources as executable things and 
trying to order them as such. I think the idea of organizing the manifest 
into classes and applying ordering to those classes (not using --ordering) 
might be the way to go.

John, do you think this is actually a bug-worthy event that i'm seeing?

Thanks all!

On Monday, November 24, 2014 7:56:34 AM UTC-7, jcbollinger wrote:
> On Friday, November 21, 2014 4:33:48 PM UTC-6, Eric Sorenson wrote:
>> Hi Kyle -- 
>> On Friday, November 21, 2014 1:46:19 PM UTC-8, Kyle Purdon wrote:
>>> TL:DR Using the --ordering = manifest option does not seem to apply to 
>>> module commands.
>>> Using this parameter I would expect puppet to apply my manifest 
>>> (site.pp) in the order it is written (script like execution).
> I would advise you to avoid that thought process.  Puppet is not a script 
> engine, and puppet manifests are not scripts.  Wishing that they were, and 
> using the --ordering = manifest option to try to make it so, is likely to 
> lead to grief (as indeed it seems to have done in this case).  I've never 
> much seen the point of that option, actually.  People who are clueful 
> enough to know about it and to know why it might be useful are also clueful 
> enough to write their manifests so that they don't rely on it.  It is 
> better for your manifest set to be self-contained than for its correctness 
> to depend on the options with which puppet is run.
> Note, too, that the 'ordering' parameter is a *fallback*, not absolute.  
> It affects only the relative order of resources whose relative order is not 
> otherwise directed.
>>> It appears to do so for everything except module commands. The following 
>>> commands get executed after "all done" even though they are commands in the 
>>> middle of the manifest. Both are module commands.
> I see it's going to be some work to break you of script-think.  Those are 
> *not* commands.  Puppet DSL doesn't have any commands.  In fact, nothing 
> in your manifests is executable in the sense that you are thinking.
>>> rbenv::plugin { "sstephenson/ruby-build": latest => true }
>>> rbenv::build { $EDB_RUBY_VERSION: global => true }
>>> nsidc_nfs::sharemount { "/disks/backups": project => "backups", options 
>>> => "ro" }
> Those are all resource declarations.  Specifically, declarations of 
> resources of defined types, whose definitions happen to be in modules.
>> Hmm, I think you need to use the 'contain' function in conjunction with 
>> the ordering so that these classes work the way you expect. 
> Nope, because they are not classes.  The 'contain' function (and the need 
> for it) does not apply to them.  Moreover, the manifest provided contains 
> only top-level declarations.  Containment is only applicable to class 
> contexts.
> That may, in fact, be the key issue here, because everything else aside, I 
> don't see any reason why Puppet should not behave as Kyle expects.  It may 
> be that the --ordering = manifest option does not work correctly for 
> declarations at top scope.  I would file a bug report.
> The good thing is that there are workarounds available, which generally 
> boil down to producing a superior manifest.  Recommendations (choose ALL of 
> the following):
>    1. Don't sweat the relative order in which resources are applied where 
>    it doesn't actually matter.  For example, if neither postgres nor SQLite 
> is 
>    initially installed, it surely doesn't matter which is installed first.
>    2. Where it *does* matter that one resource is managed before another, 
>    express it in your manifests.  That's what the chaining arrows and the 
>    'require' family of metaparameters are for.  (See the resource 
>    ordering docs <>.)
>    3. Organize your code into classes, and keep top-scope declarations to 
>    a minimum.
>>> notify { "installing emacs": }
>>> if str2bool("$INSTALL_EMACS") {
>>>   package { ["emacs24"]: ensure => "present" }
>>> }
>> Aha, here's your real problem :)
> But I think Eric's onto something there.  :)
> John

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