Hi, I think I'm misunderstanding either Hiera data bindings or the hash 
merge functions, but I'm not sure which.

When I override a Hiera setting in a more specific level of the heriarchy, 
only that setting gets applied. In fact, settings from more general levels 
get removed.

I'm using the saz-ssh module to set SSH server options.

Testing with a simple Hierarchy like so:
- %{::osfamily}
  - %{::kernel}
  - common

  TCPKeepAlive: 'yes'
  ClientAliveInterval: 540
  PermitRootLogin: 'no'

  TCPKeepAlive: 'yes'
  ClientAliveInterval: 540
  PermitRootLogin: 'yes'

Gives me the expected sshd_config:
# File is managed by Puppet

AcceptEnv LANG LC_*
ChallengeResponseAuthentication no
ClientAliveInterval 540
PermitRootLogin yes
PrintMotd no
Subsystem sftp /usr/libexec/openssh/sftp-server
TCPKeepAlive yes
UsePAM yes
X11Forwarding yes

If I change the RedHat.yaml to include ONLY the setting I want to override 
(Linux.yaml is unchanged):
  PermitRootLogin: 'yes'

After puppet agent runs, sshd_config is missing the other two settings 
(ClientAliveInterval and TCPKeepAlive) settings:
AcceptEnv LANG LC_*
ChallengeResponseAuthentication no
PermitRootLogin yes
PrintMotd no
Subsystem sftp /usr/libexec/openssh/sftp-server
UsePAM yes
X11Forwarding yes

Hiera lookups from the command line work as I expect them to, returning a 
has of all three settings with the overridden one correct:

 sudo -u puppet hiera --hash ssh::server_options environment=test 
::kernel=Linux ::osfamily=RedHat
{"PermitRootLogin"=>"yes", "TCPKeepAlive"=>"yes", 

sudo -u puppet hiera --hash ssh::server_options environment=test 
{"PermitRootLogin"=>"no", "ClientAliveInterval"=>540, "TCPKeepAlive"=>"yes"}

I have tried this with AND without :merge_behavior: deeper set in the 
hiera.yaml file.

Any ideas of what I am missing?

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