On Tuesday, December 30, 2014 7:38:05 AM UTC-6, Nicholas Miller wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm having a strange issue with one particular file where puppet applies 
> the new file, then reverts back.  It does this every time puppet runs, see 
> below:


That is very strange.  Puppet should never manage the same resource twice 
in the same catalog run, and in any given run, Puppet should never modify 
the same property of the same resource more than once.  These are such 
fundamental Puppet principles that I'm inclined to guess that rather than 
Puppet doing either of the above, it is instead managing two distinct (from 
its perspective) resources that somehow resolve to the same physical 

> Has anyone ever had this problem before?  Any ideas on how to fix it?
I have not had that problem, but if I have guessed right about its nature 
then you should look carefully at your manifests to find the resource 
duplication (which will revolve around something about the file name and / 
or path of two File resources that the catalog compiler doesn't recognize 
as being equivalent).  You could also look at the cached catalog to verify 
that there are indeed two file resources corresponding to the given file; 
if so, then it is conceivable that comparing them will reveal the nature of 
the collision.

In any event, it may be that running the agent with --debug output enabled 
will provide useful additional information.


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