I had two puppet modules that needed the same data, so I tried to define 
the data once in hiera and then refer to the first definition via the 
hiera() function.   When I did this as soon as puppet began loading the 
module that used one of these variables it hung.    I checked using the 
hiera CLI and it could actually resolve the variables just fine.   When I 
changed the the hiera file to not use variables but instead copied the 
actual strings wherever needed it, puppet worked just fine.   Also, I did a 
mixed solution where one of the modules had static data and the other did 
the hiera lookup, and it got further but hung on the module that was doing 
the lookups.

Here is the hiera data I'm referring too:

   dns1:                    ''
   dns2:                    ''
   dns3:                    ''
   dns_search1:             'us.blah.com'
   dns_search2:             'labs.nc.blather.com'
       - "%{hiera('dns1')}"
       - "%{hiera('dns2')}"
       - "%{hiera('dns3')}"
       - "%{hiera('dns_search1')}"
       - "%{hiera('dns_search2')}"
   vagrant-dns::device: 'enp0s3'
   vagrant-dns::dns1:   "%{hiera('dns1')}"
   vagrant-dns::dns2:   "%{hiera('dns2')}"
   vagrant-dns::dns3:   "%{hiera('dns3')}"
   vagrant-dns::search: "%{hiera('dns_search1')} %{hiera('dns_search2')}"

I am using puppet 3.4.2.

Is this  a known problem?   Am I doing something stupid?   I tried googling 
for this but came up nil.


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